Denis MacEoin – “Nothing to Do with Islam”?
“Politicians rarely have long term vision. They want tangible, if possible immediate, results.”
Denis MacEoin
Distinguished Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute
Denis MacEoin is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Gatestone Institute. He first graduated with a B.A. and an M.A. in English Language and Literature from Trinity College, Dublin, followed by a second 4-year M.A. in Persian, Arabic, and Islamic Studies from Edinburgh and a PhD in Persian/Islamic Studies from Cambridge (King’s College).
He has lectured in Arabic and Islamic Studies at Newcastle University, and written several academic books and numerous articles, as well as many pieces of journalism. Recently, he has written reports on hate literature, Shari’a Law, and Islamic schools.
He has worked as a writing tutor as the Royal Literary Fund Fellow at Newcastle University, where he has also taught a short course in creative writing (‘Writing in Genre’). He was for some years the editor of a US-based journal, The Middle East Quarterly. In 1992, HarperCollins published a volume of his journalism under the title New Jerusalems: Islam, Religious Fundamentalism, and the Rushdie Affair.
He runs a small company offering editorial and proofreading services for undergraduate and postgraduate students and academic staff.