This amazing short documentary gives an inside look at the operation that brought thousands of Ethiopian Jews home to Israel. It was dubbed: Operation Solomon.
Israel’s Operation to Rescue Ethiopia’s Jews
After viewing this amazing video it left me with tears. Tears of joy that has been lost on the present leadership in our country. With hatred and personal attacks in the public realm I wonder if there is something to the commentary about the destruction of the Temples being caused by “causeless hatred”. Our constant complaining about almost everything rather than the appreciation of the miracle to be alive and living in this PLACE/Makom baffles me. We are blessed to be here with all our imperfections and difficulties. We have been blessed with the opportunity to fix and repair those parts of our society that are crying out for help. This is our chance to fulfill the DREAM(S) of building a Jewish Nation and embracing the “strangers” in our midst with full equality and participation. To Live Life over the cult of DEATH presently informing the Middle East and threatening the rest of the world. I have seen our people rise up to the occasion and act as one. We must not forget the best of who we are and act accordingly before it is to late.
Israel’s Operation to Rescue Ethiopia’s Jews