David Hunt – CONNECTIONS ISRAEL: Connecting you to IDF Soldiers on Purim and More..
Connections Israel is an Israeli-based charity that does “good things” for the IDF – we’re like Friends of the IDF, but smaller and more personal. We take pride in trying to build connections between Israel and the diaspora – not just have it be a one-way flow of money. We are in the final drive to beat our 2018 accomplishment for Purim baskets: last year we gave over 2,000 chayyalim individual baskets. Here is the video from that effort:
Just look at all those smiling faces.
Please help us blow away our prior year… and if you adopt a unit you can get pictures and a video of the unit receiving the baskets you donated if you request them.
DONATE HERE! One soldier. Three soldiers. A unit of 30 soldiers.
I, personally, have donated to fund two units (so, 60 baskets). And join us in other efforts too, like:
- Winter fleeces for soldiers
- Morale events on Chanukah, Jerusalem Day, Tu-Bishvat, Independence Day…
- Barbecues and parties for chayyalim including Lone Soldiers
- Supporting children in Israel
- Helping with Bar and Bat Mitzvahs
Here is our main video:
Connections Israel – Main
My own history with Connections Israel: I discovered Connections Israel almost a decade ago. I started donating. Then I asked if I could send care packages. I sent money, care packages, and started promoting the great work that they did so regularly that they invited me to join the Board. I take my ongoing involvement seriously – here is an example: I sent care packages to an IDF Navy ship, and paid for hats with their logos.
Connections Israel – David Hunt donation to the Achi Kidon unit
I’ve sponsored a pizza & pasta party, multiple barbecues… again, I’m serious about this organization; I even gave a presentation to a local pro-Israel group about us and what we do. Please check us out, www.connectionsisrael.com, and make us a part of your tikkun olam effort.
Connections Israel is a registered charity in Israel and the US
- Israel Non-Profit (Amuta) # 580479400
- US Tax Deductible: 501(c)(3) Employer ID# 26-4147225
* David Hunt has been on the Governing Board of Connections Israel for several years (a volunteer position), and recently traveled to Israel where he and his family were given a royal welcome by Connections Israel’s founder, Mordechai (Modi) Cohen. Modi and David were joined by Yishai Gelb one evening to plan for the future of Connections Israel during his visit… exciting things are coming!