A wonderful interview with Yossi Vardi by David Horowitz. Enjoy! Also here is the latest from PM Cameron from the U.K. During the day Cameron met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres. After Gaza terrorists launched a barrage of rockets into Israeli territory while he was in Jerusalem, Cameron condemned the attacks and called them barbaric.
Yossi Vardi
AIPAC Interview by David Horovitz and Yossi Vardi
“Let me be absolutely clear about these attacks from Gaza, we condemn them completely,” Cameron said. “They are a reminder once again of the importance of maintaining and securing Israel’s future and the security threats you face, and you have Britain’s support in facing those security threats.”
The British leader, who is accompanied by a delegation of business leaders, wants to use the visit to strengthen business ties with Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Downing Street said.
“Our tech partnership is the strongest of any in the world and we should capitalize on this — creating more jobs back in Britain and delivering economic security for hard-working families,” Cameron said before leaving London.
Yossi Vardi