Our agency retains local professional journalists who cover UNRWA facilities in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and Gaza, who have worked with us for more than 20 years, producing stories about UNRWA, Hamas, the PA, many of which can be seen on our site, www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com
These local journalists recently acquired the latest 2018 school books provided by the PA for UNRWA. From memos we examined from Holland, the US, Canada, Australia and the Israel Civil Administration we see that UNRWA gave assurances that the newest school books and the atmosphere in UNRWA would now reflect peace advocacy and be free of the indoctrination to violence which characterized UNRWA school books that our agency translated and the UNRWA students whom we have interviewed over the past few years. We therefore commissioned a study of the 2018 UNRWA school books, and filmed tens of UNRWA students in Jerusalem.
We will share our new study of the UNRWA school books and two short films of interviews with UNRWA students at the Jerusalem municipality on Thursday at 430 PM.
Yet except for two pages about peace in new PA/UNRWA school books, UNRWA indoctrination continues, in all UNRWA schools, UNRWA school books and the UNRWA public domain.
UNRWA facilities are seething. Why? 68 donor nations continue to pour food, medicine and cash into all UNRWA camps. Yet the UNRWA workers union, under tight control of Hamas for the past 18 years, hoards all humanitarian supplies, while contracting foreign press to witness record the staged UNRWA humanitarian crisis.
The time has come to ask the foreign media to ask their stringers on the scene in UNRWA to file stories which will portray the stolen food and medical supplies which do not get to the people who need it the most. Professionally speaking, our agency has interfaced with reps of all nations who donate to UNRWA, all of whom are concerned about transparency. The questions remains:
Will one news agency assign their UNRWA based stringers to film what happens to humanitarian aid when it arrives to UNRWA? Will someone organize a tour OF UNRWA facilities for donor nations to examine allegations of disappearing humanitarian aid? Indeed, when you realize that UNRWA is an agency with a $1.2 billion budget, perhaps the time has come to pose the question:
Where has all the flour gone?
*David Bedein, head of the Israel Resource News Agency and the Center for Near East Policy Research in Jerusalem, is a community organization social work professional who has worked as an investigative journalist covering UNRWA for thirty years, producing studies and films shot on location, and is the author of GENESIS OF THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY and UNRWA: ROADBLOCK TO PEACE.