David Bedein

David Bedein – How to Defeat the PLO and UNRWA

David Bedein

David Bedein – How to Defeat the PLO and UNRWA

Following the US and Israel elections: The following document will be submitted to the new US Congress & Israeli Knesset.

Below is a list of doable steps that will make all the difference:


1. Recognize the new paradigm: Fatah can no longer be defined as a “partner for peace.”


2. Neutralize COGAT (Israel’s Civil Administration), and its blind protection of the PA and UNRWA.


3. Present PA and UNRWA Indoctrination as a primary factor in the war on Israel.


4. Since the PBC (Palestine Broadcasting Corporation) continues to incite, close​ ​all Israeli government frequencies used by the PBC.


5. Define PA and UNRWA schools as warlike entities that deserve no support.


6. ​Reinstate​ oversight of all texts and teachers​ in PA/UNRWA education.


7. ​Advocate the repeal of “Pay for Slay” legislation as a condition for aid


8. Disarm all Palestinian Arab entities, including the PSF, trained by US and Israel.


9 ​​Arrest anyone who pays killers who have ​carried out acts of ​murder.


10. Encourage confiscation of all funds set aside ​by the PA ​to pay ​salaries for life to anyone who kills a Jew.


11. Organize a conference of the descendants of ​the ​Dalal Mugrabi 1978 terror attack, where 35 Jews were murdered. Dalal is lionized by the PA and in UNRWA education.


​12. ​Advocate harsh conditions ​in jails for terrorists, because current terror cells have turned into summer camps and universities.


1​3 ​Commission new films of UNRWA and PA SCHOOLS. Seeing is believing


​14. Oversee all funding to PA and UNRWA​: Demand accountability for cash ​allocations ​to PA and UNRWA. Hold all PA funders criminally responsible for PA transgressions (NGOs have no diplomatic immunity).


​15. Create ​a ​new think-tank to monitor and fight Arab terror.


​16 Hire a community organization social worker to create a new Arab health and social welfare system, one that is independent of ​the corrupt ​PA and UNRWA.


17. Transform “victims of terror” into an effective ​ organization to present the human face of those who have suffered the consequences of Arab violence.


​18. Launch ​inquiry into private ​investments in the ​PA.


19. Foster an effort for UNRWA policy change​ – Counter “Right of Return by Force of Arms”. Instead, advance the resettlement of Arab refugees from 1948 and their descendants. ​


That’s all it takes, folks.

David Bedein Bio:

David Bedein (born August 31, 1950) is an MSW, a community organizer by profession, a writer, and an investigative journalist.[1] In 1987, Bedein established the Israel Resource News Agency,[2] with offices at the Beit Agron Int’l Press Center in Jerusalem. He serves as Director of The Center for Near East Policy Research.

Bedein has also reported for news outlets such as CNN Radio, Makor Rishon, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Jerusalem Post, and the Jewish World Review.[3] For four years, Bedein was the Middle East correspondent for The Bulletin, writing 1,062 articles until the newspaper ceased operation in 2010.[4] Bedein has covered attempts at Middle East negotiations centering Israel—in many major cities of the world. Bedein lives in Efrat with his family. One of his inspirations was the community organizer and activist Saul Alinsky.


Bedein was active in the Israeli peace movement for over for 17 years.[5]

In the 1980s, Bedein went to Ethiopia as part of a delegation to investigate the impact of the famine on the Ethiopian Jewish community.[6]

The UNRWA Reform Initiative (U.R.I.)[7] was launched by The Center for Near East Policy Research, which has been conducting news investigations and producing films since 1987. Their current project focuses on policy change at UNRWA, The United Nations Relief and Works Agency.[8]

Research and media presence

Bedein has overseen investigative studies of the Palestinian Authority, the Expulsion Process from Gush Katif and Samaria, The Peres Center for Peace, Peace Now, The International Center for Economic Cooperation of Yossi Beilin, the ISM, Adalah, the New Israel Fund, and United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).[9]

Under the Direction of David Bedein, The Center for Near East Policy Research and www.IsraelBehindTheNews.com have produced a number of investigative video productions. In July 2013, they released a film titled “Camp Jihad” allegedly showing activities and interviews in which UNRWA promotes anti-Semitism and incitement to violence in its ‘summer camps’. This was not the first time he dealt with this topic.[citation needed] UNRWA released an official rejection of these claims,[10] claiming the summer camp shown, and the people involved are not affiliated with UNRWA. In a November 2013 meeting between US Secretary of State, John Kerry and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, parts of this film were shown.[11]

Bedein has been involved in UNRWA Reform Initiative,[12] which involves requests of donor nations to make reasonable reforms of UNRWA. Bedein’s legal counsel articulated these requested reforms in a letter to the British government DFID Agency which helps UNRWA.[citation needed] In March 2014, Bedein participated in an informal panel at the British House of Commons with experts on UNRWA education.[13]

Since the publication of Bedein’s book, Bedein has discovered several new alleged findings concerning UNRWA, Islamic groups that fund UNRWA,[14] Jews killed Christ in the Palestinian Authority Christian Education Texts Used in UNRWA Schools[15] and UNRWA Child Death Cult Education.[16]

Bedein presented his latest research to members of the Swedish Parliament on November 18, 2016.[17] He appeared on a local program entitled “Follow the Money: with Swedish journalist Tobias Petterson” [18] Following these revelations, Tobias Peterson took to the Israel Nation News site, Arutz 7, to express his shock over the official Palestinian Authority Ministry of Education textbooks and curriculum.[citation needed]




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