He writes about his personal experiences living in Israel. Passover greetings from the beautiful Mediterranean resort city of Netanya, Israel where I recently moved. Yes, i moved two weeks ago from the interesting and exciting city of Jaffa where I enjoyed spending the first eighteen months of my aliyah, to one of the most beautiful resort cities I have ever seen..
Netanya, is a beach resort city with the most beautiful of wide white sand beaches below high rising rugged cliffs. It is very modern with luxury hotels, and modern high rise apartments. People come from all over the world to vacation or live here. It reminds me of Carmel, California or Naples, Florida
My location couldn’t be any better five minutes from the beach,the most active American and CanadianAssociation(AACI), and two blocks from the main shopping square, I already have made many friends here and am taking part in the numerous English speaking activities that are available. However, I am still attempting to learn Hebrew and have a wonderful new private teacher, and also a class at AACI. I have continued my English Torah study by joining a group here which is across the street from me. Netanya is small enough to walk about anyplace one wishes to go. It not only has many fine speciality shops , and restaurants but a large classic market called a shuck full of fresh fish, meats, bakeries, foods of every kind, and is reported to be the largest one of it’ts in Israel. \
I am kept busy going on tours, attending lectures, concerts, visiting with fiends, and soon will be joining a pottery studio that is well known here. Netanya is only twenty five miles north of Tel Aviv, and within easy access to Jerusalem by small bus or train, and of course because of the size of Israel and Netanya’s central location in close proximity to the entire country,. I have learned enough Hebrew to ask directions, for shopping, and taking an active part in religious services.
I belong to a small reform synagogue which should have it’s own building by the Jewish holidays At the moment we have a wonderful lay rabbi who gives sermons in Hebrew and English. I am learning to follow and read and translate from the all Hebrew siddur. Everyone is most helpful. I am invited to Seder by a couple from England, but in the group will be people from South Africa, Australia, and the US. It will be held in a combination of Hebrew and English.
It is so wonderful to be part of the majority as a Jew here. Everyone wishing a Shabbat Shalom, Shavuot Atov, and Hag Shamaeach. I am happier than I have ever been and feeling a part of this wonderful Jewish country.
Have a wonderful Peasach and remember me to all.
Your Friend
Dan Goldschmidt