
Dan Goldschmidt – The Colossal Myth of Apartheid in Israel

The Colossal Myth  of Apartheid in Israel

A personal experience of a new immigrant


The Colossal Myth  of Apartheid in Israel

Israel has been called an apartheid state by much of the rest of the world. However, recently my personal experiences showed me just how fallacious this opinion is.My friend Fran took sick last week and so I went to the pharmacy to get her some medicine.  My pharmacist who filled my prescription was a handsome guy but obviously Arab and handled my request very professionally and cordially explaining exactly how she should take it and suggesting that she see a doctor if it were not successful. We needed some groceries so I proceeded to our local shuk where I have favourite vendors that I shop with and have become friendly with, and most of them are Arab.
A few days later I passed out, gashed my forehead, and was taken to the emergency room of our local hospital by ambulance.  In the emergency room many of the attending nurses and several of the doctors were  Arab.  As a matter of fact, my first family doctor when I moved to Israel was an Arab.  I ended up spending that evening and the next day in the hospital and  much of the personnel who assisted me including doctors, nurses, helpers, were not only Arab but could not have been more caring and efficient.  I was placed in a internal medicine hospital ward that contained twelve beds which contained  a mixture of Arabs, Ethiopians, Christians I am sure,  and  European Jews like myself.
This recent episode is not unlike many of my normal experiences here. Whether it be my pharmacy, medical clinic, or my favorite restaurants, or shopping experiences  Arabs are offered the same care and service that I receive. To relate another personal experience I am blind in one eye and therefore use a glass eye. The State of Israel provides these free to any citizen that requires them. In the clinic where they make and care for prosthetic eyes I have observed Arabs, sitting side by side with ultra-orthodox Jews, adults and children, being provided with the same wonderful service.
Twenty-five percent of Israel citizens are not Jewish.  However, all citizens of the State of Israel regardless of race, creed, or color have the same rights, and receive the same benefits.  Every public place whether it be a shop, mall, entertainment facility, restaurant, public transportation, museum or park are open to all our residents and all are treated equally. Non Jews are employed everywhere in civil service, construction, transportation, education, medical, high tech, industrial, and serve in all of our defense forces and even achieve high command positions.  All citizens have the right to vote and serve in the knesset. One example is the Haifa Technion, which is Israel’s answer to MIT and has 20% Arab students enrolled as well as  Arab faculty and administrative personnel. So the next time someone refers to the apartheid in Israel tell them they are very misinformed.
Dan-GoldschmidtDan Goldschmidt is an 80 year old man who immigrated to Israel in September 2010 and is originally from Wichita,Kansas, USA.  He lives in Netanya Israel and is active in Congregation Natan-Ya, and the Association of Americans and Canadians in Israel.
The Colossal Myth  of Apartheid in Israel

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