CTECH – Israel’s Latest Technology News
Survey finds Israeli tech workers taking Covid-19 salary cuts on the chin. While wages have been cut, the drop in income has been relatively small and the sector is still expected to pull Israel out of the crisis. Read more
Opinion | Big Brother is back to tracking citizens because Netanyahu fell asleep on the job. What started as an extreme emergency measure is turning into the norm because the authorities failed to come up with alternatives. Read more
Talkback platform Spot.im is rebranding and cracking down on online toxicity. The name change to OpenWeb comes amid complaints of trolling, harassment, and toxicity within online communications. Read more
The 11 Israeli startups that can help air travel take off after Covid-19. A lot of Israeli startups have pivoted to assist in the re-opening of airports around the world. Read more
Analysis | With his millions of dollars in assets, Netanyahu’s tax exemptions are a drain on the treasury. As Israel is facing one of the most severe financial crises in its history due to Covid-19, the Israeli government just approved retroactive tax exemptions for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, whose personal fortune is estimated at over $14 million. Read more
Lemonade intends to raise up to $286 million in NYSE IPO. The SoftBank-backed company announced it will offer 11 million shares at an estimated $23-$26 per share. Read more
Interview | Israeli startup Wishbox is redefining hospitality for a post-coronavirus world. The traveltech company is offering hotels a contactless alternative to the traditional human touch. Read more
Video: HoloLens AR helps older doctors go bedside with Covid-19 patients, without risking illness. Senior physicians can virtually make the rounds with the interns, but without the prep time and contraction risk. Watch more
Intel Israel’s export nearly doubles over past year, reaching $6.6 billion. The company’s workforce grew by almost 1,000 employees to 13,750, making it the largest private employer in the country. Read more
