This photo was displayed on the +972 web site with the following unbelievable entry:The body of a Palestinian teen is seen on the street near Damascus Gate, Jerusalem, October 10, 2015. The teen, later identified as Ishaq Badran, 16, from Kafr Aqab, was shot and killed by the Israeli police after carrying out an alleged stabbing attack in the area. (photo: Anne Paq/Activestills.org)
Chloé Simone Valdary – Some publications — like 972 mag, Al Jazeera, Electronic Intifada …
Chloe’ Simone Valdary Once again Chloe gets it right! This particular entry needs to be more widely read.
Some publications — like 972 mag, Al Jazeera, Electronic Intifada — etc have argued recently that the ongoing terrorism is the fault of the “occupation,” by which they mean either the presence of Israelis in Judea & Samaria, or the re-establishment of Israel in 1948, or both.
This is patently false, but more importantly, it undermines the Arab civilian population.
If you study the sociological underpinnings of terrorism, more often than not, said acts have absolutely nothing to do with perceived injustice by another force; instead when you trace said actions backwards it has to do with the selfsame organizations that sent people to go murder innocent civilians in the first place. In the case of Hamas, for example, that regime follows what I like to call the “Jim Jones effect.”
Jim Jones’s church started out welcoming people from underprivileged backgrounds and giving them a place where they could feel a sense of purpose and direction. In doing so, Jones created a community where people felt safe and protected from the perils of the outside world. But overtime, Jones began to abuse his congregants and tell them that it was the outside world that was responsible for the misery they were now feeling under Jones’s direction.
When Jones forced his people to drink koolade laced with cyanide, someone recorded what he told them and today we have the audio. There’s a great PBS documentary on this subject which I recommend you watch. He said specifically, “we are going to commit a revolutionary act of suicide” against the outside world. Which is to say he followed the below steps:
1. Make people feel loved.
2. Abuse them
3. Tell them the pain they’re feeling is a result of outside forces.
4. Get them to commit suicide to escape such forces.
This is, with variation, the EXACT formula that Hamas follows.
1. Hamas made Gazans feel loved and of value.
2. It then derived them of civil liberties, persecuted women, gays, religious minorities, and forced the people to uphold its campaign against Israel, literally forcing and murdering children in the process of building its terror tunnels. It steals billions of dollars from its people as well.
3. It then said (and continues to say) that the misery of Gazans is actually the fault of an Israeli occupation.
4. Then it encourages its men to go commit “a revolutionary act of suicide” against Israelis.
It is the exact same cycle; Its basic human psychology. The Palestinian Authority follows it to a lesser degree, but nonetheless, what we’ve seen with Abbas’s incitement recently regarding Al Aqsa Mosque is in the exact same vein. No one will care about his stealing of money from his people, his jailing of peaceful political dissidents, and the culture of persecution against women under his regime if he’s busy telling his people that Jews have filthy feet and that Arab blood should be spilled in getting rid of those Jews.
Its a smokescreen/rally around the flag effect. Focus on destroying Israel, and ignore the abuses your government is foisting on you.
So you see, none of this has ultimately nothing to do with the presence of Israelis in the WB. I suggest that even if Israelis weren’t in the WB, the PA and Hamas et al WOULD HAVE to preach THE EXACT SAME THING to their people. Because doing so supports their regimes’ existence, both financially and otherwise.
So its not merely that publications who blame whats going on on the presence of Israel in the disputed territories are inaccurate, its that their ideas actually undermine the people it purports to represents.
If it were true that an “occupation” were the cause of terrorism, then Gazans and Arabs in the WB would be committing suicide bombings and knife attacks against the PA and Hamas IN GREATER NUMBER since they enact ACTUALLY egregious forces on their people, like honor killings, misallocation of funds, and the like.
Thus it seems that the ONLY way to actually get rid of terrorism — once you understand how this terrorism works — is to get rid of the PA and Hamas.
As usual, your thoughts are welcome.