Prophet-rock response to this anxious moment in Jewish history, where echoes of ancient stories mix with a digital media dream world, and...
Pamela Levene is a wonderful tour guide and has produced this original and interesting video on a mystery place. You will be...
This came to my attention thanks to Ted Belman at As the New Year inches closer this presentation by author Edwin...
A walk around the city that includes Rabin Square, Rothchild Blvd, Achad HaAm St. and the Meze Cafe, and Organic Market on...
Mitchell Bard, executive director of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, discusses Myths and Facts about the Arab-Israeli Conflict.Myth: Syria is willing to trade...
Irit Rosenblum is the founder and chairperson of New Family. Irit has been active in the public arena since she began practicing...
This is our first video with the new Kodak Zx3 hand-held play sport. My dear friend Yaron appears first. Then a wonderful...
This is a true account of the IDF procedures and the typical young men and women that serve and protect Israel’s borders....
Michael Totten is a wonderful journalist who writes extensively on the Middle East. In addition to his personal blog linked on israelseen...
This Friday congregation Bet Tfila performed Erev (evening) Shabbat services at the Tel Aviv Port. It was a simply a beautiful evening...
It’s summertime in Jerusalem, and whether it’s the wine or arts festival, or a drink downtown in Zion Square, people are out...
A group of StandWithUs Israel Fellows at Tel Aviv University has organized a unique conference on how to develop medical and humanitarian...
Everything you need to know about the BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement. We need to clearly understand who the players are with...
A group calling themselves “White Roses” created a video to inform non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is Three Things...
Mitchell Bard, executive director of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise, discusses Myths and Facts about the Arab-Israeli Conflict. Myth: Resolution 242 clearly requires...
Israeli soldiers near israel/jordan border. This is what happens at a temperature of 40 degrees The new video features the two soldiers...
What were photographers and journalists doing at the scene of the incident before a deadly exchange of fire between Lebanese and Israeli...
Did Israel attack Jordan to capture Jerusalem? with Dr. Bard. More with Myth and fact 8 After the 1967 war, did Israel...
The Palestinian Authority is accused of corruption by many but receives more humanitarian aid per capita from the international community than any...
Senior Israeli Defense Forces officials have provided the following video about the “Flotilla Incident” that took place on May 31, 2010. It...