Jonathan Sacks z”l : Descartes’ Error CHUKAT In his 2011 bestseller, The Social Animal, New York Times columnist David Brooks writes: We...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Taking It Personally KORACH When we read the story of Korach, our attention tends to be focused on the...
Jonathan Sack z”l: What Made Joshua and Caleb Different? SHELACH LECHA The twelve men sent by Moses to explore the land of...
Jonathan Sacks z”l: Two Types of Leadership BEHA’ALOTECHA In this week’s parsha, Moses has a breakdown. It is the lowest emotional ebb of...
Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Pursuit of Peace NASO The parsha of Naso seems, on the face of it, to be a heterogeneous collection...
Jonathan Sacks z”l Liminal Space BAMIDBAR In English, the book we begin this week is called Numbers, and for an obvious reason....
Jonathan Sacks – The Rejection of Rejection BECHUKOTAI There is one aspect of Christianity that Jews, if we are to be honest,...
Jonathan Sacks – Minority Rights BEHAR One of the most striking features of the Torah is its emphasis on love of, and...
Jonathan Sacks – The Duality of Jewish Time EMOR Alongside the holiness of place and person is the holiness of time, something parshat...
“Israel, you are not alone.” – The late Rabbi Sacks “Israel, you are not alone.” In 2002, the late Rabbi Sacks delivered...
Jonathan Sacks – Judaism’s Three Voices The nineteenth chapter of Vayikra, with which our parsha begins, is one of the supreme statements...
Jonathan Sacks – Faith After the Holocaust Faith After the Holocaust Rabbi Sacks responds to the devastation of the Holocaust The Holocaust...
Jonathan Sacks: Holy People, Holy Land Acharei Mot I had been engaged in dialogue for two years with an Imam from...
Jonathan Sacks: Is there such a thing as Lashon Tov? METZORA The Sages understood tsara’at, the theme of this week’s parsha, not as...
Jonathan Sacks – Othello, WikiLeaks, and Mildewed Walls TAZRIA It was the Septuagint, the early Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, that...
Jonathan Sacks – Spontaneity: Good or Bad? SHEMINI Shemini tells the tragic story of how the great inauguration of the Tabernacle, a day...
Jonathan Sacks – Why Civilisations Die TZAV In The Watchman’s Rattle, subtitled Thinking Our Way Out of Extinction, Rebecca Costa delivers a fascinating account...
Jonathan Sacks: The Therapeutic Joy of Purim “The fate of Haman has been throughout history the fate of individuals and nations: that...
Jonathan Sacks: The Dimensions of Sin VAYIKRA Our parsha, which deals with a variety of sacrifices, devotes an extended section to the chattat,...
Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI Pekudei has sometimes been called “The Accountant’s Parsha”, because that is how it begins, with...
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