Camera – Media Highlights: Accuracy in Reporting Israel in the Media
CNN’s Kiley Parrots B’Tselem Slanders

CNN’s Kiley was a pass-through for B’Tselem charges, questioning nothing. He ignored the ordinary norms of journalism that require fair treatment of story subjects and flouted the network’s stated commitment to being “truth-seekers” who strive for “excellence.”

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Latest Coronavirus Libel is Gaining Steam
The latest version of coronavirus libel accuses Israel of not vaccinating Palestinians because they are not of Jewish ethnicity. But, as CAMERA explains in a JNS column, this charge is as absurd as it is false.

CNN’s Amanpour Staged a Blame-Israel/U.S. Discussion of an Israeli Film
Using an Israeli film as a base point, Amanpour’s panel discussion echoed Palestinian propaganda. Panelist Helal criticized recent U.S. Middle East diplomats, adding pejoratively, “they were all Jewish.”

Haaretz Corrects MK Yazbak’s Op-Ed Which Overstated Disparity Between Solved Murders in Arab, Jewish Sectors
CAMERA prompts correction of a Haaretz Op-Ed in which MK Heba Yazbak incorrectly stated that Israeli police solved zero murders in the Arab community, versus 70 percent in the Jewish community. In fact, according to Haaretz’s own figures, 22 percent of murders were solved in the Arab sector, versus 53 percent in the Jewish sector.

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan Fails to Challenge Rep. Ro Khanna’s Libel on Burning of Palestinian Villages
“I really do hope . . . We’ll have to leave it there,” MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan replies to Congressman Ro Khanna’s outrageous libel that Israel “can`t be burning down Palestinian villages.”

The New Yorker Repeats B’Tselem’s Claim that Israel Is “Judaizing” the Land of Israel
The term carries disturbing baggage from the Nazi era. The New Yorker has also uncritically adopted many of B’Tselem’s other problematic and false claims.

Foreign Policy Magazine Whitewashes ‘Pay to Slay’
A Jan. 25, 2021 report by Foreign Policy Magazine claims that the Palestinian Authority has “pledged to overhaul a controversial welfare policy for militants convicted of violence against Israelis.” This is a convoluted way of describing the PA’s policy of financing terrorist attacks on Jews.

Christian Amanpour and Severe Messaging: Interviewing Gideon Saar Vs. Javad Zarif
Christian Amanpour’s softball interview with Iranian FM Zarif on Iran’s nuclear activity and belligerence in the region is a study in contrast with her hostile cross-examination of Israeli politician Gideon Saar who dared dispute her fallacious assertion that Israeli is legally responsible for vaccinating Palestinians.

A Christian Peacemaker Who Shows the Truth About Palestinian Society
Filmmaker and pastor Todd Morehead carries himself like a surfer dude, but in his recent film, “Hope in the Holy Land,” he demonstrates an unflinching eye toward obstacles to peace in Palestinian society.
New York Times Flunks Transparency Test on Alleged Iranian Agent Kaveh Afrasiabi

Nearly two weeks after Kaveh Afrasiabi, a former Op-Ed contributor at The New York Times, was charged for being an illegal Iranian agent, the paper has failed to weigh in on the affair. Nor has it updated his incomplete biographical information, which identifies him only as a political scientist and former member of Iran’s negotiating team.

CNN’s Zakaria Misstates Israel’s COVID Vaccination Obligation to Palestinians
Fareed Zakaria’s Sunday broadcasts often misinform about Israel. Such was the case in the discussion about the COVID vaccinating experience of various countries. Zakaria mentioned Israel’s success but then added a caveat.

Understanding B’tselem’s “Apartheid” Libel
B’tselem’s latest report casts the very existence of a Jewish state open for Jewish immigration as evidence of “Jewish supremacy,” and peddles falsehoods and distortions to promote the libel that Israel is an apartheid state.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Palestinian Authority Is Still Paying Terrorists
U.S. policymakers are contemplating restoring aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA), as well as “working to reopen” the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington D.C. But as CAMERA wrote in a Jan. 21, 2021 Newsweek op-ed, Palestinian leaders continue to pay salaries to terrorists. Both press and policymakers alike should take note.

Headlines State As Fact Disputed Syrian Claim That Israeli Airstrike Killed Family
Multiple secondary media outlets publish an AP story accompanied by a headline that states as fact that “Israeli warplanes strike Syria, kill 4, including children,” though the claim in Syria’s state media is disputed and unverified. AP’s own headline attributes the claim to Syrian state media, qualifying the allegation as just that.

NBC, AFP, NPR Join AP in Promoting B’Tselem’s Baseless “Aparthied” Canard
NBC, AFP, and the publicly-funded NPR all amplified the bogus “Jewish supremacy” charge that is reminiscent of David Duke’s writing.

CAMERA Op-Ed: A Historian Who Forgets History
Writing in Foreign Policy magazine, British historian Avi Shlaim faults both Israel and the United States for the failure to achieve a Palestinian state. Shlaim asserts that U.S. must pressure the Jewish state in order to achieve peace. But, as CAMERA tells JNS readers, the historian’s reading of history is both selective and disingenuous.
Is B’Tselem Israel’s ‘Leading Human Rights Organization’?

Are media reports elevating B’Tselem to Israel’s “leading human rights organization” justified? Human rights advancements are won in the legal realm, but B’Tselem does not engage in legal activity, and has accomplished no rights advancements for Palestinians. Its successes are in the international media, not human rights.
On Vaccines for Palestinian Prisoners, AFP Attributes Bogus Quote to Minister Ohana

In English (but not French), AFP falsely reports that Israeli Public Minister Amir Ohana “said Palestinian prisoners would be the last to get inoculated” with the coronavirus vaccine. In fact, the minister’s statement late last month was that prison staff would be vaccinated at that time, but not prisoners.

NPR Misleads on Vaccines for Palestinian Prisoners
NPR’s Daniel Estrin grossly misleads, falsely suggesting that Israel withheld the coronavirus vaccine from Palestinian prisoners even as other prisoners received the jab. In fact, Palestinian prisoners have been in the exact same position as other prisoners with respect to access to the vaccine.

The Associated Press Ignores B’Tselem’s Controversial History and Foreign Funding; Amplifies “Apartheid” Smear
The invocation by B’Tselem of the term “supremacy” seems designed to latch on to trends in American politics. In fact, however, the language of “Jewish supremacy” recalls the title of David Duke’s 2002 book.

In the Guardian, Antisemites are Authorities on Antisemitism
Signers of a Guardian letter about antisemitism had previously accused Jews of dual loyalty; of using their control over the media and banks to manipulate others; of “whining” about the Holocaust and pedaling “fairy tales” about the Final Solution; and of being part of a “pampered religion.”

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Washington Post’s Adelson Obituary Defends Hamas
The Washington Post’s obituary of Sheldon Adelson defames the the billionaire pro-Israel philanthropist, portraying him as sitting comfortably while, a few miles away, Palestinian “protesters” were wantonly slaughtered by Israel. In fact many of those “protesters” were terrorists taking part in a Hamas-orchestrated operation. The terror groups themselves admitted their involvement, even if the Washington Post won’t.

Haaretz Corrects: Three Kidnapping, Murder Victims Were Teens, Not ‘Young Men’
The 2014 kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens are indelibly seared into the nation’s collective memory, so why does Haaretz’s English edition repeatedly misreport basic facts about the victims? The paper had previously corrected after calling the young civilians “soldiers.”

The Washington Post Puts Anti-Israel Narrative Before COVID-19 Vaccine Facts
A Jan. 12, 2021 Washington Post report slanders Israel. Post World Views columnist Ishaan Tharoor willfully misrepresents the COVID-19 vaccination situation among Israelis and Palestinians. Tharoor omits key facts, ignores relevant reports and documents, and twists words.

Haaretz Corrects: Israel Didn’t Refuse Request To Supply Vaccines for Palestinian Health Workers
CAMERA prompts correction of a Haaretz Op-Ed by international lawyer Shannon Maree Torrens which falsely claimed that Israel had refused a WHO request to provide Palestinian health workers with the vaccine. As The Independent had already clarified, in “informal discussions,” Israel indicated willingness to explore the option.

With False Report That Palestinian Prisoner Died in Jail, AP Adopts Anti-Israel Propaganda
By failing to correct the false claim that Palestinian prisoner Kamal Abu Waer, sick with cancer, died in prison, when in fact he passed away in a hospital, AP plays into baseless Palestinian propaganda that Israel denies Palestinian prisoners adequate medical care.

CAMERA Op-Ed: More False Attacks Against Israel on COVID-19 Vaccines
A recent Washington Post report implicitly faults Israel for the COVID-19 vaccination issues in the Palestinian Authority and Hamas ruled territories. But the Post fails to inform readers that both Hamas and the PA did not request vaccines from Israel–and that international agreements stipulate that the Authority itself is responsible for vaccines and healthcare.

NBC Continues to Push False Narrative That Israel Is Responsible For Palestinians’ Vaccine
Why does NBC note anti-Israel NGOs’ false claim that Israeli is allegedly legally responsible for providing West Bank and Gaza Palestinians with the coronavirus vaccine, while ignoring the contractual obligations, as spelled out in the Oslo Accords, which explicitly state otherwise?