“Secret documents which have embarrassed the Palestinian Authority after being published by the al-Jazeera network were leaked by six advisers working in the PA’s negotiations department, Jordanian newspaper al-Ghad reported Monday. The report has not been confirmed by any other source.
According to the report, which is based on “knowledgeable” Palestinian sources, the six Palestinian and foreign advisors sold the documents to the Qatari network about six months ago.
The report mentions four of the advisors’ first names: Edward – a Briton, Clayton – an American who accompanied the US secretary of state at the time, Ziad – a French Palestinian, and Ramy – a Palestinian with an Israeli citizenship.
One of the other two advisors was said to be “close to former Knesset Member Azmi Bishara, who worked in the office of (chief Palestinian negotiator) Saeb Erekat and helped leak the documents.”
For more details Ynet