Human Rights Watch, B’Tselem and other Goldstone promoters must immediately retract their statements on Gaza
JERUSALEM – In response to Judge Richard Goldstone’s landmark article in the Washington Post, in which he retracted the main allegations of the “Goldstone Report,” watchdog group NGO Monitor calls on the NGOs that were his main sources to withdraw and revise their discredited claims. NGO Monitor also notes that the Goldstone Report, published under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council in September 2009, has been used to justify a widespread campaign of demonizing Israel with false accusations of “war crimes” and demands for BDS (boycotts, divestment, and sanctions).
“With Goldstone’s admission that ‘our fact-finding mission had no evidence’ and that ‘civilians were not intentionally targeted as a matter of policy,’ the politicized NGOs that supplied these allegations have been exposed again as biased and lacking credibility,” said Professor Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor. “Goldstone was misled by an orchestrated campaign led by powerful NGOs, including Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, B’Tselem, Breaking the Silence, Adalah, Palestinian Center for Human Rights, and Al Haq. As NGO Monitor demonstrated when the report was released, the so-called ‘evidence’ provided by these groups was at the core of the political war against Israel. Goldstone was taken in by crude manipulation.”
Steinberg continues, “HRW has been at the forefront of demonization and distortions since the infamous 2001 Durban conference, and used its influence to promote Goldstone, who was on HRW’s board. The leaders of this organization’s Middle East division have a long history of involvement in hard-core anti-Israel advocacy. This immoral behavior led HRW’s founder, Robert Bernstein, to denounce his own organization, presaging Richard Goldstone’s reconsideration.”
Steinberg further notes, “Israeli NGOs funded by European governments and the New Israel Fund have also played a central role in advancing the one-sided agenda of repressive regimes at the UN Human Rights Council. They have continued to lobby at the U.S. Congress, European Parliament, and the Knesset. Goldstone’s Washington Post article has exposed these campaigns as nothing more than anti-Israel propaganda.”
For more information on NGOs and the Goldstone Report, see NGO Monitor’s extensive coverage at And More.. Israel cleared of war crime allegations by Judge GoldstoneIt may be too little and too late but Judge Goldstone has cleared Israel and the IDF from the war crimes allegations as per the Goldstone report investigating operation Cast Lead in Gaza. In September 2009, the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict chaired by Justice Richard Goldstone submitted its report (the Goldstone Report) to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. The Report suggested that war crimes had been committed by all parties in the Gaza Conflict, and has served as the basis for an extensive political and legal campaign against Israel in the international arena. Now Judge Goldstone paints a very different picture from the original report and concludes that Israel has been truthful all along. Here are the major points in his remorse-full article:
All of us in and all those that support Israel have known all along that Israel acted according to International laws and that the IDF did not intentionally target civilians. Hamas on the other hand, intentionally attacks Israeli civilians, firing from residential areas and turning Gazans into Human Shields. Hamas is hoping the IDF will retaliate and Gazans will be caught in the cross fire. The more civilians casualties Hamas can orchestrate the more damage is done to Israel’s reputation. The Goldstone report played right into the hands of Hamas in that regard. While Judge Goldstone clears Israel and the IDF from any misconduct, sadly the damage to Israel’s reputation has already been done. Please take action – contact Judge Goldstone, ask him to share his conclusions on the Goldstone report with the UN’s Human Rights Council who commissioned it. Thank him for clearing Israel of war crime allegations but ask him to demand the UN retract the Goldstone Report. |