Barry Shaw – The Hypocrisy of Intersectionality and the Jewish Question.
An Israeli perspective by Barry Shaw.
People with strategic antennae can detect a throwback to the Soviet inspired canard of “Zionism is Racism.” This radical left-wing anti-Israel trope raised its ugly head way back in 2001 at the UN World Conference Against Racism in South Africa where thousands of anti-Israel demonstrators and groups hijacked the event to target the Jewish state with phony propaganda including apartheid accusations. Sadly, despite being beaten down in the United Nations, this same anti-Zionism has breathed new life and is active today on the campuses and streets of America and Britain reaching out into support for Hamas and Hezbollah.
As it was then, it is dressed up as a universal human rights issue. The same tiresome aspersions are trotted out, and soft vacant minds of the impressionable young are hooked on a cause to which they are physically detached but to which they have been seduced to dedicate their energies. It fits their progressive upbringing. Sadly, a growing number of the newly deceived are Jewish.
In America, many have been raised by parents from the anti-war, hippie, flower power, era who, from a distance, frowned on Israel for not bringing peace to the Palestinians and, from their distant armchair, encourage their kids to become activists in an anti-Israel cause. And they do it, they claim, for the benefit of an Israel that is too dumb, and too aggressive, to see the error of our ways. What they have yet to realize is that firstly, they are wrong, and secondly their kids have gone from being liberal to becoming the most illiberal, closed-minded, and intolerant people in the community. They exist, you see, on a higher moral plain than the rest of us. They know better.
In Britain, a diminishing Jewish population is losing control over their country. Some of them doggedly cling to a Labour Party that is riddled with anti-Semitism. Some of the new generation to Israel not to support Israel but to visit European NGO-funded Palestinian activists or, at home, participate in public displays of mourning for dead Palestinians, mostly members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad terror groups killed in attempts to cross into Israel and kill and kidnap Israelis.
Recently, both American and the British anti-Israel Jewish fringe groups have used deception (some would say fraud) by exploiting subsidized Israel Experience group trips to advance their pro-Palestinian propaganda with other group members, or to attempt to hijack Israelis on the street to their anti-Israel cause. A small group of them were caught trying to spread their “Israel is occupying Palestine” garbage in Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda market. Ari Fuld, a noted Israel advocate, videoed one of them with a simple question, “When did Israel occupy Palestine?” The Jewish propagandist couldn’t answer the question to that slogan printed in his t-shirt. Instead, he accused Fuld of harassment.
These are the hashtag activists. Question their hashtag soundbites and slogans and they fall apart. Read ‘BDS for IDIOTS’ and see how it applies to most of the anti-Israel BDS propagandists.
Harassment? This is surprising. One of the leaders on his side of the US political divide, Maxine Waters, recently ordered leftists like him to harass those with opposing views. She told them to “push back on them. And tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Yet this guy got upset when he comes to Israel to spread his unpopular lies and someone pushes back on him. Hypocrite!
Harassment is something that pro-Israel spokespeople know very well. Try bringing the truth about Israel and the Palestinians, let alone expose the fraudulent messaging of the BDS Movement, to campuses in America and Britain. Good luck with that.
The anti-Israel views of the increasingly radical left of the Democratic Party in America and within the British Labour Party, led by a leader who considers Hamas and Hezbollah as his friends, could be a disaster in the making both for Israel and for the Jews of those nations. Israeli voices are stifled at public events. Should a pro-Israel event take place in Britain the venue must be kept a closely-guarded secret due to fear of a violent disruptive backlash. Yet, it is perfectly acceptable for thousands of flag-waving Israel-haters to take to the streets of London in support of Hezbollah and Hamas.
In America, there is no intersectionality for Zionist Jews. Intersectionality is a new political word indicating a joining of interests between two or more different groups. So, for example, it is acceptable to be a feminist or gay and a supporter of the Palestinian cause.
If, however, you are a feminist or gay and support Israel you are beyond the pale and banished from the leftist club, a club in which the notoriously hateful Linda Sarsour is one of the leaders that sets the rules.
Sarsour has been adopted as an icon of this radical brand of politics and, as such, she calls the shots. They think they are being awfully progressive and liberal but they are, at heart, the most intolerant, radical, and regimented grouping in America today. They twist reason into a pretzel to the extent that Sarsour can grant Palestinian terror the badge of absolute moral justification.
Referring to Sarsour, US rocker, Courtney Love, got slammed when she tweeted that “I won’t follow anything that is being led by an anti-Semitic terrorist that’s using feminism as a tool to promote her radicalism.”
Sarsour led the twitter campaign against Love. This is, in itself, a metaphor of what Sarsour is all about.
Sarsour has not conducted acts of terror but she has promoted and glorified Palestinian terrorists. In 1917, she shared a stage with Rasmea Odeh, a female Palestinian terrorist who murdered two young students outside a Jerusalem supermarket in 1969. She embraced Odeh and told the audience that she was “honored and privileged to be here in this space, and honored to be on this stage with Rasmea.”
Sarsour is a firm BDS supporter. She has said that “there is nothing creepier than Zionism” and her solution to Zionism is the elimination of the Jewish state. In other words, she would wipe Israel off the map. In her world, be a feminist and support the Palestine liberation movement and you are in. Be a feminist and support the Jewish liberation movement and you are banned from entering her intersectionality club.
Unfortunately, this mode of politics has become so trendy to impressionable youngsters that too many Jewish kids are being seduced and sucked into the swill of this dangerous nonsense.
Too many of the unhinged and hate-mongering radical left look on Israel as “white supremacists.” The Black Lives Matter folk look on Arab Palestinians as their “brown brothers.” Their stunted, sloganistic thinking leave them blinded to the fact that the majority of Israelis originate from Arab and Muslim countries with thousands of black Africans from Ethiopia and that Israel is the most diverse country in the whole of the Middle East and Africa.
If the Black Lives Matter people really cared about their brethren beyond their American shores they should be made aware that, today, slavery is being practiced on a massive scale in Africa where blacks are forced into slavery and black women are forced into sex slavery by slave traders and owners who are predominantly Muslim and Arabs.
This is where the BLM people share the crime of hypocrisy with the pro-Palestinian intersectionality pretenders. Those who profess to champion the Palestinian cause do so solely to hit on Israel, but are silent when abuses, oppression, and slaughter, are heaped on Palestinian Arabs by other Arabs. Examples include ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Assad in the bombing of the Palestinian population in Syria, the 70-year-old apartheid inflicted on stateless refugees in Jordan, and the blockade of Gaza imposed by Egypt. All go unchallenged by those who profess to champion Palestinian human rights.
So goes the “outrage” of Black Live Matter advocates who have adopted the Palestinian movement into their revolutionary cause. They rage about Israeli “white supremacists” in their slogans, but shockingly turn their backs on the suffering and slavery of their African brethren. Do they not know that the current plague of slavery in Africa is perpetrated by the Muslim Arabs they support and the victims are their fellow blacks? Why doesn’t this appear in their intersectionality activism?
What connects current political trends in America and Britain is the rise of radical Socialism hiding behind a thin veneer of liberal democracy. What we are witnessing in the Democratic Party is reminiscent of the clash between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks, begun in 1903, to see how far left they could drag Russia. It is sad to see so many young impressionable Jewish minds being dragged into this poor excuse for political progressivism. It is not progressive. It is an intolerant regressive hard Socialism on its way to harsh Communism.
Two questions should be answered by the naïve young Jews who have lost their bearings and have bought into the misinformation about Israel. Can you still call yourself a proud Jew when you associate and partner with those that boo whenever G-d and Israel is mentioned? Don’t you have a feeling of betrayal to your own people, to yourself? These are signs for you to walk away from a false and hateful cause that will benefit neither Palestinians, nor Israelis, nor you.
Work your way through the delusion. Eventually, with moral clarity, you will arrive at the reality and core belief in the survival and protection, indeed the legitimate right of the Jewish people, to exist in peace in their own nation, Israel. Allow us that at least.
Once you arrive at that point you may be able to better sympathize with our young men and women, those of your own age, who are prepared to fight and die to protect us and our right to live in our own land.
You will find this as moral and as just as anything being pumped out by people such as Sarsour and BLM.
Barry Shaw is the Senior Associate for Public Diplomacy at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He is also the author of ‘BDS for IDIOTS,’ and ‘Fighting Hamas, BDS, and Anti-Semitism.’ Make great gifts for kids who really need to know what’s going on.