Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreBonna Devora Haberman founded and directs Mistabra. She is the initiator of 13...
I have refrained in the past in sharing some intimate and personal experiences for fear that it would take away from the...
This a Press Release from NGO Monitor. I am putting this on the site because I believe that this information has been...
2007 Podcast Awards Voting Now Open! PLEASE Support US and Vote You may vote once every 24 hours. We are so honored... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More Catcher Lukas Brenowitz of the Blue Sox Steve interviews fans, ballplayers... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreYoram interviews Rabbi Joseph Schonwald 25 years as a pulpit Rabbi in America...
Until Assad realizes that it pays to make peace over preparing for war as Iran’s agent we must be vigilant and take...
Our Gallery is now ready and we are adding pictures to it daily. If you have any great photos you personally took in Israel and would... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | More A piece of sculpture displayed on his web site: John Brown’s Professional...
Ark Angel By Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror This title is obviously a play on words of the term archangel and the words-... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreInterviews Artist Tomek Matuszak of Poland was born in Lodz and studied in...
By Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror The Biblical narrative of the Akedah as told in Genesis chapter 22 is certainly one of... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreAn international gathering of artists is taking place in Ein Hod, Israel. The...
“The Truth about Judas Iscariot” is a book that is at once a work of philosophy, cosmology, literature, poetry, mythology, anthropology, psychology,...
I was invited to the 1st annual AP (artist proof) 2007 symposium at Ein Hod artist colony outside of Haifa. I...
I am asking our readers and listeners to support our nomination in the general category. If you are enjoying our podcasts and...
A powerful exhibit of Qassam Rockets that fell on the town of Sderot in southern Israel near the border with Gaza. The... Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS | MoreJanet Rothstein-Yehudian is interviewed about her life and her latest CD.
Rescue operations conducted by the government of Israel to bring more than 16,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel represented one of the...
By Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror Phillip Ratner uses the Biblical narrative of the Bronze Serpent (Copper Serpent- Nehustan) as told in the...