Lee Diamond – What is a failed state? A Lover of Tziyon Is this an economic description? Is it perhaps a...
Lee Diamond – The Kotel (Western Wall) Revisited An ancient wall Yet, but a support wall Surrounding and Supporting the Temple Mount...
Lee Diamond – After Growth – in the spirit of Rachel See the unplowed fields Unfertilized, Unsown with seeds Yet they grow with...
Lee Diamond – Lech Lecha לך לך There was no push It was only a pull Life was good there But...
Lee Diamond – Hear O Israel: Zionism and Judaism are One The last three words of the Passover Hagada are “Next Year...
Lee Diamond – The Tears of an Israeli Leftist By some reports 480,000 Syrians have been slaughtered In the last 5 years...
Lee Diamond – Is anything ok My parents taught me to say: ‘thank you to the nice man” when given a gift!...
Lee Diamond – The Looking Glass & Erev Yom Kippur in the Holyland My 5 yo grand daughter Asked me if I will fast...
Lee Diamond – “No more Wars-No more Bloodshed “ Begin declared this to Sadat Sadat responded with bravery To a call for the...
Lee Diamond – Never lose Focus of Scopus “If I forget Jerusalem My strength will be lost” Almost like Samson Whose...
Lee Diamond – Change is in the air in Israel Everywhere! In the streets In the grocery store In all shops On public...
Lee Diamond – The end of an era ? The media in Israel can be so insensitive Shimon Peres is still struggling for...
Lee Diamond – HaTikva Every state has its national anthem These usually express national dreams and visions Sometimes they refer to wars and...
Lee Diamond – We are the Dynamic Movement in Judaism Professor Louis Finklestein Once declares before the Student body Of the Jewish...
Lee Diamond – Israel – Saving the Environment To the credit of our globalism And in responsibility to the world In which...
Lee Diamond – Our Hebrew school principal announced It was Kametz Alef Aw—Saf and Taf And suddenly Just Taf No...
Lee Diamond – From the North American Diaspora The statistics are frightening Almost overwhelmIng In this Diaspora! Synagogues are closing Combining...
Lee Diamond – Negation of the Diaspora I’m very tired of being politically correct. The words ״שלילת הגלות״ or “rejection of Jewish...
Lee Diamond – Can you imagine Going thru life w/out a name? Can you imagine Going through life without a name? Hey...
Lee Diamond – Tattoos and Brit It’s come to my attention That “Brit Milah” Is considered by some savvy young Jews to...
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