It’s Time to Clean House!One thing is for sure, if you fall in love with Israel/Nation/Land/People there is little choice but to live here. Otherwise, it is torture to the soul to live any where else. With that said, we need a serious house cleaning.We must start with the military. Our commanders must honestly listen to the complaints of our soldiers, enlisted and reserves, about what they experienced on the ground concerning lack of food/water, equipment, support and lack of leadership. We must stop at all costs the politicization of our military and stop the scourge of arrogance that rears its head in this important investigation.It’s time to clean house in our political arena. The corruption is an everyday occurrence that must be stopped. It appears that for years petty patronage has been handed out to political hacks who have created a class of citizens that have prospered at the expense of the entire population. It is time to stop the leadership in all parties from taking advantage of its citizens by exploiting our democracy for their personal gains. We must stop the religious parties from blackmailing the government for more money to support institutions that don’t exist. We must stop the public funding of educational facilities that house students who are there just to avoid military service. It is time to build a serious alternative in order for these religious kids to do public service. We as citizens must stop our pessimistic attitudes toward all this corruption of spirit and reclaim our rights and demand investigations that are truly objective rather than the shame that prevails today.We must demand that the police require a respectable minimum education for its officers that supports tolerance of public diversity and demands that internal corruption be brought to light and exposed at all levels of command. This includes the petty bribes and personal abuse of power that appears to pervade the street. The law is the law and must be enforced, regardless if you know the owner of the bar or not. We must stop the traffic of women and foreign workers. We must enforce our current laws regarding this intolerable behavior. Forcing anyone against their will is a crime against the Jewish people and must be aggressively stopped. If women or men desire to sell their bodies or their labor and do so under no duress except their personal economic situation, then so be it. But we must shut down the corruption of trafficking and exploitation of labor. We are at a crossroad in Israel. If we stay the present course, we stand to lose our moral compass. We will be defeated not by Hezbollah, Arab MK’s with their treasonous rhetoric, or even Iran with their maniacal behavior. We will destroy ourselves through our arrogant and corrupt behavior. We must rededicate ourselves to the spirit that our people have shown during the last month by helping each other get through these difficult times, even though our leadership failed us miserably. It is on this stone that I rest my head and dream the dream of Joseph, witnessing the help we receive from the invisible elements of our being human. It is in this place that the Spirit/G-d/Makom/ rests. We are the recipients of these blessings and we must wake up and open our eyes to the glory of our destiny together.