
Arab-Jewish violence Provoked by Leftist activists for propaganda

by Ryan Jones A violent clash between Jewish residents of Samaria (so-called “settlers”) and local Arabs that was caught on film and distributed to the mainstream media was apparently a staged incident provoked by those opposed to a Jewish presence in this land for propaganda purposes.

Local Jewish officials told Israel National News (INN) that contrary to the way the clash was presented by the press, it was the Arabs and their left-wing Israeli and foreign activist allies who started the violence.

According to the Jews’ version of events, which is corroborated by a video on the INN website, the Arabs approached a group of Jewish settler youth and began stoning them. The Arabs were urged to action by left-wing Israeli provocateurs and the incident was filmed by left-wing foreign activists.

Of course, the version of the film presented to the press by the activists omitted the part where the Arabs and their allies actually started the fight. In the footage broadcast by many media outlets, the Jews are the only ones shown throwing stones while the Arabs flee.

Fortunately, someone on the Jewish side was also filming, and released the unedited video to anyone willing to listen. Unsurprisingly, the mainstream media was uninterested in the accurate version of the incident.

Between the increasingly hostile younger generation of Palestinian Arabs, antagonistic left-wing Israeli and foreign activists, and a mainstream media all too happy to bash Israel in general, local Jews complain that they are facing a coordinated and overwhelming smear campaign.

“For almost two years we’ve been telling anyone who is willing to listen that the vast majority of violent clashes that take place Judea and Samaria were brought about by extreme-left provocation,” local Jewish residents told INN. “Their activists create violence on the ground, film it, and then send their heavily-edited videos to the press.”

Indeed, many Israelis who have lived in Samaria for decades have noted on a number of occasions that left to their own devices, local Arabs and Jews are perfectly capable of living in peaceful coexistence. It was the introduction of Yasser Arafat’s PLO into the region in an ill-fated “peace” effort and the subsequent radicalization of the local Arab youth that began to change the picture.

Israeli and foreign leftists opposed to any Jewish presence in the Jews’ biblical heartland have eagerly helped complete the transformation and ensure that there can never be peaceful coexistence in this region again, and that the only solution is for the Jews to leave.

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