By Omar Dakhane (First Pro-American Blog in Arabic). Back in September there was a lot of taking about the intention of the PA to head to the United Nations in order to declare their own “State”, this step showed that the Palestinians don’t want to solve the problem with Israel regionally, and instead call for the International community to help; the same community they always criticized and blamed for all their problems.
The Palestinian bid presented to the UN was for sure filled with more nonsense about the historical right and things like that, which I made clear before, has no actual weight in the process of decision making in the International community, something the PA yet to understand.
The bid won’t help a lot, especially since the PA bin in the UN itself is filled with a dark history of terrorism, not only against Israel, but against the whole world, especially Europe, which came under attack by the PLO in the 70’s, in what they called an “effort to market their cause” to the world. They did market it, but with a completely negative outcome, making the world sees them as terrorists until today, terrorists who are ready to hijack civilian planes and kill civilians for the sake of their “cause”.
Twenty-one failed Arab states – with the slight exception of the Gulf countries, though their success is totally imported and not locally made – and you want to add the failed state number twenty two? On what basis? Historical right? Historical right has no place in the balance of powers today, especially when you are the weakest and the most vulnerable. Human right? There are thousands of alternative solutions to the Palestinian state, and each one of those solutions guarantees proper human rights to every Palestinian without the need for an independent country.
So, what is the basis of this cause and what is it based on? Just because you think you have the right to that land, doesn’t mean you can impose your views on the rest of the world, especially with your people out in the world for 60 years without contributing anything to the world, on the contrary, they gave very bad examples that included terrorism in Europe during the 70’s, which helped cement the label “terrorist” on Palestinians forever. You can thank your own terrorist organizations for that by the way.
What motivated me to write this article wasn’t the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general, which I think I made my views on it pretty clear before, but some videos I’ve seen about what’s happening in Syria. You might ask what the connection is… Well, I noticed that the Syrian regime is playing the “Palestinian cause” card again to justify its crimes against its own people, and whenever they are cornered for attacking innocent civilians, they play “We did a lot for the Palestinians, and this is why they are targeting us” song, the same old tired song used by any terrorist to justify any crime he might do.
They even use this card to force us to stand by their side; otherwise we’ll be “traitors to the cause” and “criminals” who dared to call for peace and for the end the violence cycle!
History proves that this cause is mostly supported by fanatics and terrorists that use it to satisfy their sick need to kill innocent people. They will kill you for being neutral, let alone questioning their real intents.
I’m completely neutral when it comes to this conflict. I take the side of peace and coexistence only and I’ll side with anyone working toward that goal, even stating that, I’m still getting personal attacks and death threats all the time.
They are attacking me for being on the side of peace. This proves to me that I’m right! And to make things even more clear, I wasn’t attacked by a single Israeli for calling for peace, it was always coming from the other side, with the typical language of “cutting heads” and “cutting hands”. I think they really hate hearing the truth from an Arab who is just like them.
This is their nature, they always attack ordinary people who dare to stand in their way, and they would easily kill them. They can’t do anything against actual trained army personals, so they attack civilians to show off their power! This explains why most of their victims are innocent civilians who did nothing but questioning their motives. The scenes that show dragging dead bodies in the streets are always coming from places where they have control.
Some people might argue “The Israeli side does the same thing” which is a false statement for the following reason:
First: When the IDF causes a civilian casualty, they always deny it was intentional and they frankly state that they are “against harming civilians or attacking them on purpose”, and they explain the details of the operation and the reason behind it, which is mostly “self-defense” for the rockets coming from Gaza or for a suicide bomber attack.
The Palestinians shoot missiles directed at civilian areas in Israel during school hours. This causes almost no damage because the Israeli government and civilians have built bomb-shelters everywhere and have a siren warning system, and this system of living moment to moment searching for the closest bomb shelter terrorizes people living there. To that, Israel responds like any state under attack, with its full power and the most advanced weapons they have, because that’s the reason for having them in the first place, to protect their civilians. On the other side, when one of the Palestinian organizations manages to cause an Israeli civilian casualty with or without intention, we hear statements filled with hatred and pride in the same language of “exterminating all the Jews”. They even celebrate those events with happiness, celebrating the death of a human, now that’s really sick!
If you are really fighting for a noble cause like you claim, you don’t kill civilians or feel happy for their death. Real Freedom fighters never attack civilians, and surely they don’t celebrate killing others, even when they cause military casualty. The fact that they celebrate the death of human souls proves again that we are dealing with some sick mentalities that made this “cause” a holy one out of millions of real causes, not for an actual noble goal, but to please their sick need to kill others, and as long as we have people among us who think that killing “disbelievers” is the reason for our existence on this life, there will be no peace on earth.
Secondly: Sixty four years have passed since the birth of Israel. Israel succeeded to build a civil democratic state that is advanced scientifically and has many advanced industries, despite being one of the smallest countries in the region, and despite being surrounded by third-world countries on all sides, and despite being under attack and in a constant state of imminent war. What do Arabs think of this? We always play the same old song of “The United States and Israel always conspired against us to keep us undeveloped and stop us from moving forward”! The chances Arabs got to be better and develop their countries are countless, and they refused it intentionally, and decided to follow the easy way, doing nothing and then blame everyone else for our problems and for all the poverty we live in, while – at the same time – watching Israel transform from a wasteland to a vibrant state in all fields.
Palestinians who settled in their new homes in the Arab countries that warmly welcomed them didn’t give anything good in return to those countries, and they chose to waste their time enforcing more ignorance and hate in their new societies, and of course not forgetting to use the “Palestinian cause” card to exploit people emotions, and try to use them anyway they can.
After all that, they come asking for the land they left 60+ years ago, when they thought the Arab armies are coming to “liberate” their land, a great example for patriotism, and when those armies were defeated, they spread all over the planet giving nothing new or useful to it. Now, they actually have the gall to ask for a land that the Jewish people spent 100 years working hard on? They want to take it back and turn it into another Gaza where people are dragged and brutally murdered in the streets under the supervision of the so called “Hamas Police”, where people are killed for not siding with Hamas or for being a member of the opposing party. In an actual video I watched, a guy was stabbed and beaten with stones and shoes, after the “Hamas Police” gave him to the angry mob. I don’t care what he did or what was his crime, this is not how you apply law in a civil society. You will never see this happening inside Israel between Israelis themselves or even to a Palestinian in Israel.
Thirdly: There are so many Palestinians & Arabs inside Israel who are against any form of a Palestinian state on the land of Israel. Many of them live within Israel, and they watch on a daily bases how things are on the other side, where terrorist organizations rule, and they understand that they are going to lose all the privileges of living in a Democracy if Israel goes away, and this is why they oppose the establishment of an Arab state on the land of Israel. They know it’s going to be another dictatorship like the rest of the Arab countries, where people are killed and hanged for having a different opinion or a different lifestyle.
There is no other scenario, because there is no Arab democracy in the history of Modern Arabs. A Palestinians state under the rule of Hamas or Fatah won’t be better than the rest of the Arab states.
There are other points too, but I’ll leave them for another article since this one became longer than I expected.
I think what I said here is enough for anyone who uses logic to deal with things. Playing the role of the victim isn’t going to help you get more than you deserve, especially when you are a victim that gave nothing to humanity except terrorism and hatred. You are not a victim when you celebrate the death of civilians and innocent people around the world, you are a terrorist sympathizer, and to me, terrorists and terrorist’s sympathizers are the same thing.
Killing children just because you claim their parents settled on your land makes you nothing less than a terrorist, a very evil terrorist. Also, resorting to terrorism just because you think your “cause” isn’t getting enough media attention isn’t an excuse, nothing is!
The “Palestinian cause” has become a playing card used by anyone who needs fame or needs a cover for his crimes. Iranian government, Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, El Qaida and so many others. They use this card to terrorize the world, kill people and destroy everything beautiful around the planet.
You want to support a REAL cause? How about the people dying of hunger in Somalia? They can’t find anything to eat, while you busy giving billions to the Palestinian “government” and ignoring people who are really in need and who will take your charity and build a life with it. What about the Kurds and their right to have their own country? Why have no Arabs spoken of that? Or is it only the “cause” with high investments returns and a lot of antisemitism that attracts your attention?
This is the clip mentioned in the article. It’s very graphic.