
Always Reaching Higher – Ari and the Ladder of Faith

 Always Reaching Higher     Always Reaching Higher  Rabbi Lee Diamond,  is based in Israel and began his unique rabbinate as an Israel Educator for the Diaspora. Rabbi Diamond has served as director of the Alexander Muss High School in Israel, and Associate Director of the Israel office of the UJR and NFTY Israel programs. He has dedicated his life to sharing the Israel he loves and  creating an educational experiences for everyone visiting Israel. Rabbi Diamond’s philosophy: Israel is the stage on which I want to act out the drama of the Jewish people, its creative survival, and to affect people’s lives. When we see each other our discussion always seems to find its way to the ever changing  political situation in Israel. In the end of course we come around to what is dear to the hearts of both of us: the importance of emphasizing Jewish values and ethics in our society.


Always Reaching Higher

An edited version of the story of the Ari and the ladder of faith. Always Reaching Higher


In the aftermath  of the Golden Age of Spain, the Inquisition and the  Expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Jewish world entered into deep depression regarding its fate. While some Jews found refuge around the world, there were those who determined to take the fate of the Jewish people an d its future into their own hands. One might call them early Zionists who no longer were willing to leave the fate of the Jewish people to a Land of Refuge or a “City of Refuge.”  The time had come to change our destiny. The time of waiting for redemption had ended for these Zionist Jews.


The location was one of the 4 holy cities in Eretz  Yisrael, the City of Safed nestled in the mountains of the Galilee.

The dates were the early to mid-years of the 16th century.

The scenery was the tragedy of the Expulsion from Spain and the depression that  followed.

The characters are  known to us

as the Cabbalists of Safed
A story

Once the Ar”I, Rabbi Isaac Luria

Requested of his disciples, to gather together

Three leading scholars, thinkers and Cabbalists of Safed

In one particular place in the mountains of

Josef Caro

Moshe Cordovera

And himself, Issac Luria, the Ar”i

All were assembled on this spot

At this point the Ar”i requested of

Joseph Caro to stand firmly on the ground

He then requested of Moshe Cordovera to stand on Caro shoulders

And finally the Ar”I informed them that he would stand on the shoulders of Cordovera

Completing the ladder

The ladder was to reach the throne of God

Caro was the stable basis of the ladder as he was the author of the Shulchan Aruch- the Code of Jewish Law, the code that allowed Jews  to live a life of Torah on a daily basis.

Cordovera was the second rung of the ladder, as he was the Cabalist who both organized the Cabala as well as one who sought the secrets of the Cabala that would lead to redemption.

The Ari was to be the top rung of the ladder as he was the active Cabalist who would reach into the Heavenly Abode and



The Messiah from his

Heavenly refuge

And force him to earth

to save and redeem the

Jewish People

We had patiently waited for the Mashiach

Throughout our history as we declared:


“I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah and

Though he may tarry,

I still believe.”

But the Ari determined that the time had come to

Reach Higher

To climb the ladder

To reach into Heaven itself

And to change

Our Destiny

With our own hands and all of our  souls.

It was at this very moment that Moshe Cordovera


And the ladder collapsed

Ever since  this day Jews have never stopped reaching higher

Living as Jews

Searching for truth

And attempting to


The Messiah to earth to

Redeem the Jewish People

Some still wait patiently


Some of us are the disciples of the Ar”I

Always Reaching Higher.





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