We have been waiting for the sledge hammer to hit us over our economic head as our government agencies try hard to make their educated guesses as what to do to in order to avoid a melt down that is sweeping globally. We do appear to have a better control over our banking industry then in other countries. But we hear in muffled tones that our banks are exposed to a variety of investments in the American banking system that appears to be in trouble. Not a good sign for the health of our financial system. We can also see that some of our conglomerates that have been involved in Real Estate investments in the US that are now facing serious losses or at the least are in serious need of a monetary injection of capital to keep them a float. The street appears to be somewhat cautious as the cafes continue to be full and vibrant. This is generally a good sign and may indicate that our overall economic systems may be in fact doing fine with just some minor difficulties. We can only hope that this is the case.
The terror attack in Mumbai is a serious consequence of a lack of intense precaution by the State of India’s security agencies. While it is impossible to avoid all attacks, certainly the need to be proactive must reevaluated by Indian officials. This appears to be a well planned and orchestrated action by the terrorists and hopefully will be a wake up call to the world that it must be interested in eradicating radical elements that are interested in only instilling chaos, fear and anxiety upon the population.
Elections are upon us in Israel. We have a lame-duck Prime Minister that appears to be doing nothing but making a series of pronouncements that sound “good” to the public but has no teeth to them. It is so frustrating to witness how one person that claims to love this country can continue to preside when his effectiveness is limited by rumored scandals and actual indictments the talk of our media. Olmert must step aside if he is serious in his convictions and let the powers that be to take full control until the people give voice to their convictions as to whom they want to lead into the next period of negotiations with the Palestinians. Enough is enough Mr. Olmert.
Gaza: We leave and all hell breaks loose. All of what we left for the economic benefits of the Palestinians were destroyed once they took control and preceded to do everything to make it more difficult for their economic well being.
Some foreign governments and the United Nations GA with UNRWA as its advocates pressure Israel to allow a free flow of resources into Gaza regardless of the fact that it is being showered by rockets from Gaza. The UN has never spent as much time on any of the other serious areas in the world where clear brutal and sustained acts of inhumanity are taking place as in their interest in Gaza. It appears that the General Assembly run by a bigot and Anti-Semite priest from Nicaragua continues to fuel anti Israel sentiment in order to draw attention away from their lack of interest in dealing with the racist behavior of some Arab and Muslim countries toward their own populations.
US: Bush and Olmert’ had their farewell meal together at the White House. They both appeared to be warm and cozy but if rumors are to be taken seriously it was in fact a stormy affair with Bush making threats to Olmert about taking any actions against Gaza and/or Iran before he departs in January. What can he be so concerned about that he already hasn’t screwed up as President. I do think it time that Bush give a pardon to Pollard and releases him after 22 years in prison when other convicted spies with far more serious offenses are no longer in jail.
So in spite of all the quake like convulsions that our environment and governing councils around the world are creating, I take a breath, look around and marvel at the country I choose to call my own in spite of all its shortcomings. It is an amazing place with an amazing array of people and admirers that brings a swelling up of love for our people. We have much to repair here and much to stay vigilant about but as long as we can stay the course in honesty and end the corruption that permeates every sector of our society then we have a chance at being a light that shines bright in this part of the world. We must stop organized crime, human rights violations when they appear, trafficking of women, and persuade our leaders at all levels of government to take responsibility for their actions and to end their spineless excuses with the need to blame others for their shortcomings. It is time to make peace within ourselves and look for the expansiveness that we are as humans, Jews, Israelis and to find comfort in that experience.