Presidential Agenda
By Y. Hayut-Man & Moshe Dror
- Jerusalem This is the link to the original article: Background: The Survival Plight of Israel for true Alliance with the USA. Originally published in Feb. of 2010. In memory of our friend Dr. Rabbi Moshe Dror.
The nuclear threat of Iran to finish the holocaust forces Israel to seek a truly irrevocable protection from the USA. This may look as Israeli sacrifice of sovereignty and as USA entanglement with Israel as its “tar Baby” that the USA gets stuck with. But when you open your mind to the Bible, you’ll find that this was in God’s plan from “the beginning” of Genesis and especially since 2000 years, when Jesus walked in Judea.
2. The Fundamental Issue: Divine Partnership Mission of the USA and Israel
The Bible is the Covenant book of Israel, and the United States are Artsot haBrit – the Lands of the Covenant. Thus “In God we Trust” became the backing of the dollar. Many of the Founding Fathers of the United States were Freemasons (for the Temple of Solomon) and/or who believed that they are fulfilling the Scriptures by establishing Israel anew in America’s green and pleasant land. This Ideal Israel has been the world-mission of Abraham, Moses and Jesus, and it is the ideal identity of the US and of Modern Israel.
3. The Judah-and-Jesus Agenda: The Coming of the Son of Man in Jerusalem
The newly-found ancient Gnostic “Gospel of Judas Iscariot” opens the gates for a historic reconciliation of Christians and Jews. It could turn Christian anti-Semitism on its head and bring Jews to accept Jesus as their own long-lost brother. From this place, we can see Jesus’ long term plans for our times, and how modern Israel can summon what is in effect “the Coming of the Son of Man in the Clouds of Heaven” in Jerusalem. We are preparing realistic technical specifications of its realization through modern technology.
4. Agenda for Messianic Israel Alliance: A New Covenant of the 52-State Union
Taking the esoteric Hebrew clues that the “Son” (Ben, value of 52) and “Man” (Adam, value of 45) are different manifestations of the One Divine Name in the collective soul of humankind, we can see the New Covenant as the formation of the union of 52 chapters of a Messianic Israel in the 50 states of the American Union and of the States of Israel and Palestine. This spiritual union can press also for the political union that can save the Middle East from the endless sink of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
5. New Moral Leadership for the World: Aligning the US to the Heart of Earth
Within the global context, the USA is eccentric. The centre point of the USA is in Lebanon, Kansas – a reminder of the Cedars of Lebanon and of the partnership of the Israelites and Lebanese Phoenicians to build the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritual center of the USA is thus truly in Jerusalem, the real center point of the earth’s continents, the place of encounter and blessing for all “the families of the earth”.
6. World-Wide Restitution: Turning to Jerusalem for Global Spiritual Alignment
The Name Yeru-Shalem means demonstration of wholeness and of Peace. Jerusalem can and should be “The Heart Matrix” for the earth and the place were the hearts of all humankind could be mended, turning “The Hearts of Stone” to open human hearts. This spiritual realignment has its symbolic geometrical expression in the turning from the Square (contained in the cubical Qa’ba) and Pentagram (contained in the Pentagon) to the Six-pointed Star of David (as in the Great Seal of the USA and on the Israeli flag) and the seven-pointed star (contained the New Jerusalem Diagram).
7. The Yeru-Shalem Human Reconstruction Universal Network (YeSHuRUN).
The Academy of Jerusalem has evolved a plan for the virtual realization of the prophetic Temple of Jerusalem as a universal facility of divine guidance for peace on earth, which could be erected without the suspected conflict this would entail. People from all over the world will process their hopes, designs and concerns in local (and virtual) communities and will convey their products to the Yeru-Shalem (“holistic demonstration”) Universal Reconciliation United Nations (YeShURUN). The processed results would heal the wounds of humankind and form the guts, heart and mind of the emerging humankind body – “the Son of Man” – whose representative image will appear in the Jerusalem heavens.
Expansion of the above items:
1. Background: The Survival Plight of Israel for true Alliance with the USA
In the past, the United States armed forces twice saved the world – in WWI and WWII, when the allied victory over Nazi Germany saved the Jewish People from real and eminent threat of total extermination. Nowadays, NATO’s nuclear umbrella is extended to former Warsaw Treaty member states, backed by the MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) capabilities. Right now, Iran is undoubtedly nearing nuclear capability and its president has already stated publicly that Iran aims to destroy the State of Israel. Based on the track record of Jewish history, Israelis and Jews worldwide, including Jewish US citizens, have any justification to fear for Israel’s survival. Israel is a very densely populated and compact country and even a couple of nuclear explosions could anihilate Israel. Moreover, with this track record, Jewish Israel is likely to try preemptive nuclear strike on Iran, even if it would turn out that Iran’s threat was just a bluff (as Iraq’s nuclear threat turned out). The Iranian leadership might even start a war counting that even a dozen Israeli bombs on Iran will perpetrate lesser damage than 3-4 Iranian bombs would wreck upon Israel. But if Israel was assured of a real and irrevocable defense treaty with the USA that extended the USA nuclear umbrella to Israel, this would put Iran in peril of total destruction through hundreds of nuclear devices, and assure that Iran will not attack Israel.
However, even while the Doomsday Clock of the Atomic scientists has moved closer to its midnight hour, world and Middle East politics may prevent such a USA commitment to Israel. If the USA would avoid commitment to Israel, or seem likely to back out of even formal agreements, the machinations of Israel’s enemies (real, not only imagined) are likely to increase and maneuver the USA to a place of losing the world trust. Various parties will paint Israel as the USA “Achilles’ Heel” and/or as America’s “Tar Baby”, which the USA got entangled and stuck with.
What will silence such accusations is the bold exposition of the authentic deep bond – real shared identity – of Israel and the United States of America. Turning to the over half of the USA citizens who believe in the Bible, the Academy of Jerusalem offers to buttress the claim that the bond between Israel and the USA is God’s own plan according to the Bible and accords with Jesus’ own plans for Israel and for His Own People, Israel. Being so, the deepening of the bond of the USA and Israel is valid even if there was no threat, and the said threat may be a way to expedite God’s good plan for humankind.[1]
(While many analysts may claim that it is very unlikely that Iran will actually explode a nuclear bomb over Israel – Mutual destruction is not really a political option, Israel cannot take the chance. Even if since 1945 no nation has actually used such a weapon over another, with the present international terrorism connected with Moslem fundamentalism, which particularly targets Israel. Nuclear devices obtained by terrorist organizations could be smuggled into Israel. In particular, the underground detonation of a nuclear device meant destroy the Moslem shrines on the Jerusalem Temple Mount and blamed on Jewish and Christian could be considered by some terrorist organization as means to unite all Moslems worldwide into a total Jihad against Israel, where all the arsenals of Moslem nations might be used.)
The Academy of Jerusalem has developed the answer for such machinations. We were also able to show how on the basis of fundamental Biblical level that this bond of Israel and the USA was in God’s plan from “the beginning” of Genesis and especially since when Jesus walked in Judea. Our method of Genesis exegesis, based on the original Hebrew text, sees the Genesis account as a then-future scenario that is coming to a head nowadays, with the twin possibilities of “Fall of Man” and a curse to the earth, or as the time for the healing and maturation of Adam – that is humankind.
2. The Fundamental Issue: Divine Partnership Mission of the USA and Israel
According to the core of the Bible (OT) God’s plans for humankind are mediated by the Nation of Israel as “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Exodus 19:6), which represents “the seed of Abraham” promised to bring blessing for “all the families of the earth” (Gen. 12:3; 28:14). This is a task and world mission that the actual State of Israel cannot accomplish alone. Yet Israel holds some keys to this mission which the present USA does not have. The Ideal Israel, the world-mission of Abraham Moses and Jesus, is the ideal identity of Modern Israel – as of the US.
There are indeed serious claims that, in a certain essential manner, the United States is Israel. There are even widely held claims that many of the people of the USA are actually of the seed of “the Ten Lost Tribes” of Israel and specifically are of Ephraim. It is certainly true that many of the “Pilgrim Fathers” of the USA firmly believed they are fulfilling the scriptures by establishing Israel anew – just as there were “British Israelites” who believed the British to be of the Tribes of Israel. There are also very good people who wanted to “build Jerusalem in England’s green and pleasant land” (William Blake’s poem that even became the British Labor Movement Anthem). Some now understand “British” to mean “Brit-Ish” – Hebrew for “The Covenant of Man”, while the United States are called in Hebrew Artsot haBrit – the “Lands of the Covenant” – and obviously the bible is the Covenant Book of Israel.
It is also known that the great majority of the Founding Fathers of the United States (including George Washington) were Freemasons, a society that identifies itself with the builders of the Temple of Solomon. So evidently the very foundation of the United States was connected with plans to reestablish the “Temple of Solomon” – that is, the Global Temple of Israel sited in Jerusalem. The great Seal of the United States (found on the one-dollar bill, which carries the motto “In God we Trust”) carries Masonic designs and particularly a hexagram of 13 stars, the form identifying the national Flag of modern Israel. A covenant like this was also considered for England a few generations ago. The covenant with BOTH of these countries is interesting, and some regard these two special nations as the scions of the brother Israelite tribes of Menashe (UK) and Ephraim (US).
Nowadays, there are hundreds of communities, all over the USA, who believe that they are Israelites, and there has already been established a “Messianic Israel Alliance” of such Christian USA Israelites, and the movement is growing. This is no longer held as “replacement theology” and as denial of, or competition with, the present Israel. Rather, this is held as a way to help Israel fulfill its destiny and divine mission. There is a growing recognition that the Biblically announced Israel would really be restored only when all its tribes are gathered together. Interestingly, even though currently most Arab Moslems deny any legitimacy to Israel and Zionism, the Qur’an itself tells that all the dispersed Children of Israel will be gathered again in their land (Surah 17:4).
The Academy of Jerusalem has studied these possibilities from the perspectives of the various faiths and in light of global future mega trends. As we are moving into a trans-modern age and the Nation State is transforming into some other kind of governance possibilities, we are studying the various manners and levels of connecting the USA and Israel as States in covenant – such as making Israel State number 52 of the Brit-Covenant community. (615 words)
3. The Jesus-and-Judah Agenda: The Coming of the Son of Man in Jerusalem
The newly-found Gnostic “Gospel of Judas Iscariot”, a genuine document from the 2nd century of Christianity that claims to reveal Jesus’ true aims not revealed to the other disciples, exonerates Judas – the historical Christian symbol of the Jews. It actually presents Judas as privy to Jesus’ long term plans for a distant age which seems to be ours. This gospel also shows three different types of Temple, the preferred one being that of a “Luminous Cloud” where any theophany can take place. This medium allows Jesus to display at will kinds of agents that may rule the world.
The Gospel of Judas Iscariot thus opens the gates for a historic reconciliation of Christians and Jews. It can turn Christian anti-Semitism on its head and bring Jews to accept Jesus as their own long-lost brother. From this place, we can see Jesus’ long term plans for our times, and how can modern Israel enable what could soon enough constitute in effect “the Coming of the Son of Man in the Clouds of Heaven” (Daniel 7:13-14; Matt. 26:64; Mark 15:62) right in Jerusalem that millions of Christians yearn for. The Academy of Jerusalem plans to prepare realistic technical specifications of realizating Theophany through modern technology.
This yearned for theophany of a “Second Coming” in Jerusalem evidently requires Israeli acceptance and cooperation (e.g. in the literal sense of the coming from heaven of a flesh-and-blood person, this would surely require the permit of the Israeli Air Force). But as the Academy of Jerusalem expertly explored all the modes of Biblical interpretation (hermeneutics), it has found several legitimate means of affecting this epiphany. In particular as a light show over Jerusalem that would adumbrate spiritual processes of the world-wide aggregation (or “Christalization”) of myriad acts of mutual reconciliation and enactment of the spiritual and humane acts that Jesus preached – and to give these myriad acts a discernible “face” or Image (Tselem).
In this way, the Academy of Jerusalem can help Jerusalem acquire global significance well beyond being the capital of a nation state, and recast “Zionism” (which literally means “Jerusalemism” and also “Excellence”) into a universal spiritual movement for global redemption.
4. Agenda for a Messianic Israel Alliance: A New Covenant of the 52-State Union
Realization of the vision of the Great Return – the “Coming of the Son of Man” – requires both its esoteric-inner meanings and exoteric-outer means. By using the esoteric Biblical Hebrew (and also NT Greek and Quranic Arabic) method of Gematria (of adding the numerical value of the letters of scriptural words), diverse Biblical terms and names that have the same numerical value show an inner relation. Through their command of the esoteric Hebrew methods (the genuine Prophetic Qaballah – Qabbalah Nevu’it) along with excellence of futurist think-tank, Academy of Jerusalem members may bring startling new interpretations that offer practical realization of spiritual matters.
We may thus note that the terms “Son” (Ben, with Gematria value of 52) and “Man” (Adam, Gematria value of 45) – which suggest juvenile and adult states – are different infusions (Milu’im) of the One Divine Name (YHWH) into the collective spiritual states of humankind. These would be the Son-Ben as a juvenile collective spiritual state represented by the principle of 52, and the transformed adult a state of universal understanding – the rectified Adam, who is humankind. The double term “Son of Man” thus contains “The Hero’s Journey” of all humankind combined.
In the outer-exoteric realm of world problems and perils there is a need for societal organizations that can contain and nurture communal spiritual transformations. The esoteric clue about the significance of the 52 raises the notion of a 52-state union for the mission of redemption. Noting simultaneously the desirability of a close USA-Israel partnership and the Middle East problems and perils, a new concept emerges. Their spiritual union could press the US and Israel also for a political union that can save the Middle East from the endless sink of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The US has recently endorsed “the Roadmap” for Middle East Peace that agrees to the establishment of a Palestinian State alongside with Israel. Left for itself and for Fundamentalist Islamic terrorism, Palestine would never be at peace with Israel. But if both were aligned with the 50-state USA, this would be an altogether different situation, which will save both Israel and Palestine from themselves. Hence emerges an outline for that Son-Ben as a New Covenant for a 52-States Union with a holy center in Jerusalem.
Perhaps this is not possible in a real politic mode – or not yet possible – but it is certainly possible in a consciousness mode. We now have the technology to make these connections through people and minds of light – photonics – and bring the Son of Man and the New Jerusalem to earth. The Academy of Jerusalem is designing the Solomon Temple of Peace process where the 52 chapters of a New Israel can train in redemptive work. From that vantage point, the world-view of the US will be completed.
Three times in history the Western power of those times (of the Judges of Israel, of Hadrian and of the British Mandate) brought about the establishment of “Palestine” against or instead of Israel. As the USA has endorsed the establishment of a Palestinian State, it should offer it a larger union that will assure that Palestine and Israel do not drift into mutual destruction. It seems that the desire of the great majority of Palestinians would be to become USA citizens if possible. On the other hand, Palestine holds the key for establishing this Jerusalem Temple, through its virtual control of the Jerusalem Temple Mount with the Dome of the Rock and the El-Aqsa Mosque. The Academy of Jerusalem associates have developed designs whereby this Temple can be realized without moving a single stone on the Temple Mount and in accordance with the noblest Islamic visions. (610)
5. New World Moral Leadership: Aligning the US to the Heart of the Earth
The 21st century will see the emergence to prominence of great Asian nations of India and China. The work of human unity would be centered in Asia, where the greatest numbers of humans live. In this new world order context, the USA is becoming eccentric – while Israel, situated in Asia and just on the border of Africa and Europe is in the very center of the earth’s continents.
Interestingly, the US Geodetic survey identified the center of the continental USA to be at the small hamlet of Lebanon, Kansas. The reason that place is so named is because there grow many cedar trees, which brought the founders to the Biblical association of the Cedars of Lebanon. These were brought at the time of King Solomon from Lebanon to Jerusalem to build the Temple of God). Therefore in as sense, the spiritual center of the USA is at Jerusalem, which is the true center point of the earth’s continents, the place of encounter and blessing for all “the families of the earth”. (In fact, the Phoenician model of a trading empire became realized through the British Empire and the USA. So the Solomon’s model of a treaty between Tyre and Israel for building the Temple is a Biblical precursor for the treaty of the USA and Israel that holds the promise for the establishment of the Jerusalem Universal Temple. Whatever is meant by the word “Temple” or by its processes, it would have the capacity of aligning the US to the Heart of the Earth – the true center-point of the earth’s continent which is in the Middle East and specifically at Jerusalem.
The end-of-days and Global Judgment predicted in the traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam is in Jerusalem. We show the way how these could be acted out in Jerusalem through virtual means that can effect the needed spiritual changes – so that the dire predictions need not take place.
This way will align the Heart of the US to the Heart of the Earth.
Adding to the proposals for peace to Palestine and to Islam, this vision builds upon the noble Arab tradition of hospitality to add the US hosting this union. This would help to counter the current Islamic feeling of contention with the USA and the West.
6. Universal Zionism: Turning to Jerusalem for Global Spiritual Alignment
The turning of the heart of the US towards Jerusalem will pioneer a global spiritual alignment for all people. Beyond being the geographic center point, Jerusalem stands for certain principles and exalted procedures that inform its global spiritual function.
The Biblical Hebrew name of Jerusalem is Yeru-Shalem – which literally means “Future Vision” (Yir’u) or “Teaching (Yoru) of Wholeness” (Shalem) and of Peace (Shalom). Jerusalem can and should be “The Heart Matrix” for the earth and were the hearts of all humankind could be mended, turning “The Hearts of Stone” to open human hearts. Jerusalem is also synonymous with “Zion” (Tsion), which means “Excellence”.
What we shall endeavor to do is be ENABLERS towards excellence and EMPOWERERS for excellence. To be “Zionists” should mean to enable persons all over the world towards excellence and to practice excellence. This would be the salvation of current Zionism which has lost its vision and even became a bad word in much of the world. This will be a new universal Zionism like what the Bible prophets annunciated, not an nationalistic movement exclusively motivated for Jewish survival, but a socio-spiritual movement that seeks to serve the whole world.
The Academy of Jerusalem, which endeavors to assist the fulfillment of Israel, Jerusalem and of Zionism, strives by itself to become the fulfillment of the ideal of the Academy. We are like Marcelo Ficino, who founded a new Academy in Florence during the Renaissance. We are designing a spiritual Academy for the new axial period of human history. For the originator of the Academy, Plato, the core of the Academy was geometry, and the sign at the entrance to Plato’s Academy stipulated that only those who know geometry may enter – or in today’s terms, those who can think in patterns. The two perennial endowments that Plato’s Academy brought are the dialogical method and the “Platonic Solids”, the concrete expression of perfection. We are thus indeed developing conversational methods of information-processing and of knowledge architecture that employ these very perfect forms of the Platonic Solids. The processes of spiritual realignment we are designing have their symbolic geometrical expression in the turning from the Square (contained in the cubical Qa’ba) and Pentagram (contained in the Pentagon) to the Six-pointed Star of David (as in the Great Seal of the USA and on the Israeli flag) and the seven-pointed star (contained the New Jerusalem Diagram) and their further geometrical manifestations in 3D space and even in the hyper space of multiple dimensions as of cyberspace.
The Academy of Jerusalem Associates are charting procedures where the wishes and spiritual commitments of people everywhere will be brought to the earth center of Jerusalem. Following Islamic eschatological predictions of the Qa’ba flying over to Jerusalem for the global Day of Judgment, we developed a WWW scheme of assembling all the local concerns of world issues and hopes conducted through local “Team Syntegration” process that produce packages of issues modeled as “Perfect/Platonic Solids” such as cubes and 3D star forms of what may be termed “Living Stones”. The Temple of Jerusalem would be the place where all these Living Stones will be assembled and rendered coherent, to produce a common global agenda which would be represented visibly as a Temple of Light in the sky or even the emerging face of “The Son of Man”.
The global processing of world concerns that the Academy of Jerusalem is developing can be started immediately through cyberspace. It will show graphically these global and nation-wide spiritual movements and pilgrimage (such as can be shown using Google Earth mapping, etc.) to a place above the center of the earth – “the Heavenly Jerusalem” facility.
7. The Yeru-Shalem Human Reconstruction Universal Network (YeSHuRUN).
The standstill in the Israeli-Arab peace process is largely due to the issues of the status of the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, issues that are fixated and exacerbated by tie-ups over religious issues. This standstill will prevail until there will appear new spiritual conceptual breakthroughs. What is needed is to open new “conceptual gates” through spiritual initiative and sacred arts. This is where The Academy of Jerusalem, with its associates of artists, scientists and educators has a relative advantage. The work of the Academy of Jerusalem during the past twelve years has evolved a design for the virtual (and possibly actual) realization of the prophetic Temple of Jerusalem as a universal facility for divine guidance and for peace on earth. This design even wouldallow it to be erected without moving any stone on the Temple Mount or changing the urban fabric of the Old City – and without raising the feared conflict that this would entail.
Moreover, the technology is now available to do this in Cyber-space – to build a virtual Cyber Jerusalem model, as already implied in the prefix “Yeru” of Yerushalem-Jerusalem. This model of the actual Old City would provide the many cells and chambers of the Temple of Ezekiel’s Vision and show how the actual Old City can transform into the Temple. The aim is to post in cyberspace a demo for the enlightened usage of the Old City, the Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock – now the stumbling stone for peace-making – as facilities of peace-making and raising consciousness. This demo will also outline a training program and facility for forming a 12-tribed New Israel body of 144,000 participants.
As explained in the last address, people from all over the world will process their hopes, designs and concerns in local (and virtual) communities and will convey their products to Jerusalem.
When myriads of people worldwide will engage in this virtual sacred usage of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, resolution of the currently intractable Jerusalem conundrum may become self-evident to most people, including people involved in the real situation. The processed results would heal the wounds of humankind and form the guts, heart and mind of the emerging humankind body – “the Son of Man” – whose representative image will appear in the Jerusalem heavens.
This Heavenly Jerusalem that accommodates the emerging image of the “Son of Man” will be a great transparent cube suspended by dirigibles or suspension steel structure whose supports erected outside the Old City. It will hold an artificial permanent smoke cloud, so that light projections that converge on it may form dynamic 3D light forms. The myriad understandings reached through the said processes and rendered coherent would form the pixels of this image.
[1] The 2nd Book of Chronicles, which concludes the Hebrew Bible, concludes with the declaration of the Iranian-Persian emperor Cyrus to build God’s house in Jerusalem.