Yoram Getzler z"l

A Few Observations of The Press




Prime Minister Netanyahu has made a big deal over the unilateral Palestinian attempt to gain entry to the United Nations. He contends with great enthusiasm and self-rightness that only via direct negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians can the conflict be resolved. To hear him at the UN, or speaking to the American president and people as well as to the Israeli public, there is no greater danger to a successful pursuit of “peace”, than unilateral actions.

Well and good. My only question is; does that great principle, profound truth, hold for both sides? Or unalterable action by the Palestinians the only great sin.

It would appear that unilateral action by one side, his side, our side, the Israeli side is acceptable.

Surely he is aware that most of the decisions taken by Israel in the more than forty years since gaining control of the Judea & Samaria have been uunilaterally taken by Israel.

The imposing of military law; the settling of Israeli civilians on land that we claim is deputed, rather than concurred. The building of the separation barrier, the building of housing for Jewish Israelis in areas not recognized by the international community as legally Israeli are surely unilateral.

The opening and closing of the points of passage between the PA and Israel for Palestinian workers according to the order of the Jewish calendar. Are just a few more of our unilateral decisions and actions.




The Jerusalem Post of Monday Oct 3 carries a story on page 3 headlined: “Ayalon defends Gilo building plan despite quartet condemnation”. (http://www.jpost.com/VideoArticles/Video/Article.aspx?id=240240) It reports that Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon brought a group of foreign journalists up to the South West Jerusalem neighborhood of Gilo to explain why the building of a thousand new hosing units there, was nothing to get excited about as had the Palestinians as well as the “Quartet” with the German chancellor considered a great friend of Israel, particularly critical of the plan.

Under a photograph of Ayalon he is reported as saying, I don’t understand why every little building has to become an international issue.

Now, if Mr. Ayalon sad this as a rhetorical statement, that would be acceptable. However I suspect that he really does not understand what is going on, right in front of his office. After all he is the third most important person in the country who is charged with knowing and understanding what is in fact going on with our affairs with foreign governments.

Is he really ignorant of the fact that for the last forty years all building plans by all Israeli governments over the 1949 Armistice lines, also known as the Green Line, are considered illegal by the world community. He may disagree…that is perfectly acceptable, but for him not to know…

After forty years, It shuld be clear by now that this is the reality. This is regardless of the validity of the worlds beliefs on this subject. Thest communities and all building in them are regarded not only as illegal but as roadblocks and detrimental to “peace”

What ever his personal opinion, whatever the position of the government of Israel no one should be surprised at a negative reaction by the nations of the world towards our unilateral actions across what had been up until 1967 considered by the non-Arab; non-Muslim countries, the borders of the state of Israel.

I think its past time that our government internalize that reality which no credible evidence indicates is about to change.

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