Yoram Getzler z"l

Palestinian Statehood Initiative:A Guide for the Perplexed

By Yoram Getzler. I would like to share with our audience some thoughts articulated by Dr. Tal Becker, a legal adviser to various Israeli governmental agencies; the legal adviser to our UN delegation for several years and a graduate of Columbia University Law School.


I heard him speak for the first time at a two part information series, sponsored by HADAR; a grassroots, non profit organization that encourages dialogue between Israelis and the international public to foster peace and support for Israel  http://hadar-israel.org/jsite/index.php .The event was titled: Palestinian Statehood Initiative:A Guide for the Perplexed, was held recently in Jerusalem.

Also on the program with Dr. Becker was Michla Pomerance, Professor of International Law, Department of International Relations Hebrew University, Jerusalem and General (Res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, Deputy Minister, Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs in the Office of the Prime Minister

Listening to him I was impressed by his direct and simple understanding of the complex events here and his recommended approach to the up coming Palestinian UN recognition request in particular and even more by his ideas concerning a preferred attitude towards our conflicted reality in general.

Dr. Becker suggests an attitude of understanding and dealing with the current reality as it is, rather than the hoped for idealized future most of us would prefer.

He points out that the gut reaction to punish the Palestinians for their UN proposal might be emotionally satisfying it will in fact strengthen Hamas, which wold not be good for us. The deeper issue is strengthening Israels interests rather than how to harm the Palestinians. Ie he is against the ideology of the zero-sum-game.

Dr Becker suggests that it is more positive and helpful to focus on how we can improve our situation given that the reality is as complex and confused as it really is.

I basically agree with him that it is more to our advantage to concentrate on importing our society and our international position rather than fixating on what the Palestinians want or do not want. On what they will do or not do..

Dr. Becker claims that diplomacy is art the of letting other people get your way.


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