Venues and Values, Changing Destiny By Lee Diamond, Rabbi Located near the south western shores of the Sea of Galilee one can find a living replica of one of the first pioneering efforts in re creating Israel: Havat Kineret. This site served as the training ground for young “chalutzim” of the early 20th century as they first arrived in the land.
The farm became the focal point for many of these pioneers who were eager to work the land. Here they assembled, gaining inspiration from the land and drawing strength from each other and from their common ideas and hopes. The simplicity of this site and its buildings till this very day in itself, tells this unique story. These young people were seeking to leave a life style that they had known in Eastern Europe and were seeking the simplicity in life that was and is reflected here.
The old world that they had grown up in; the old values that they had known; the language that they had spoken; the education that they had received; the social and political notions that they had been exposed to; the Judaism that they had known –all of these values needed to be reevaluated and readjusted. This generation of young Jews wanted to build a better world, a better society, a better Jew and a better country. Here at Hatzer or Havat Kineret they began the process of “Re Jew vi Nation”
Here we see how small numbers of young people with a strong will and unmatched commitment were able to change the destiny of the Jewish nation. With their own hands; with their own spirits; and with their own minds they created the infrastructure of all that is Israel today.
Values reign supreme at this site. In its simplicity is a richness that is waiting to be discovered captured and understood. Some examples of potential values to be discussed are as follows:
Youth and idealism
Nothing can stop a strong willed person:
A human can change his and his nation’s destiny.
Taking on responsibility for one’s national future
Tikun Olam is possible
Jewish identity, beliefs and understanding can and do change.
Judaism is a national civilization, with a language, literature, music, art form and religious and moral way that is unique and develops as the civilization evolv
One important insight or question worth discussing at this site is: The Cabbalists of Safed, a few hundred years earlier, attempted to achieve the same goal of changing the destiny of the Jewish people in their time.. They too left their Diaspora homes and environments behind. They too attempted to build a new way for the Jewish people. Why is it that the Chalutzim succeeded in ways that the Cabbalists did not?
And one more very important value question for our times
How Goodly Are Your Tents O Jacob, your dwelling places O Israel
A contemporary venue and reaffirming our values
Is this pioneering spirit is alive today 62 years after the founding of Israel? Is this the very same pioneering spirit that characterized the Cabbalists of Safed and the Chaluzim of Havat Kineret!
Tens of thousands of young Israelis have decided to change the destiny of Israel. All the efforts of the Cabbalists and the Chautzim are alive throughout Israel today.
Israel Celebration Tours
Wishes to join force with 85 % of Israel’s population who have returned to the values that created and characterized Israel from its very essence.
This is a value revolution no less significant than the revolution of the Cabbalists of Safed who sought to change Jewish destiny
This is a value revolution no less significant than the revolutionary Chalutzim of late 19th century and the early 20th century.
This grass roots revolutionary protest reflects the very values upon which Israel was founded.
A better society
A value based society.
A society that cares for all of its members and not just its wealthy
A society based on the highest values of quality education
A society based on social justice
A society based upon passion and compassion
A society which reflects the idea of Zion being a model society for all mankind
For Out of Zion Shall Go Forth the Values of Torah and the Word of God from Jerusalem
Every day of an Israel Celebration Tours is a dialogue with Jewish Israeli values