Lee Diamond – The Obsession of Youth
They view themselves as youth
It is a defining status
It’s who I am
Not a stage
Along a path of life
“The world is mine
For I am fresh and new”
And we, the aged and aging
Try to be them
To revert to them
Acting, appearing
Running backward
To catch back with them.
We who have
exceeded them
By light years
In thought
In wisdom
In experience
In vision
In clarity
Of emotion
In maturity
And love
Seek youth’s
Seek those who are
Lost in Invisibility
Knowing not
That the image in mirrors
Are painted with silver
Knowing not
That tomorrow’s silver
And enriches us.
Why not seek like
The child
Who dreams to
Grow Up
To be a Grown up.
Why not run forward
Toward new goals
And not fall backwards
Into the rut of just forming
And the narrow vision
Of youth.
Age understands youth
As a Stage in life
Youth can’t envision
Beyond the silver
Painted mirror
Let us seek age
Let us teach age
Let us celebrate age
Let us appreciate age
Let us share our age
With the novice
And bless age
As the gift of Eternity