Lee Diamond – The Generation of the Dream
We Jews tend to criticize
We Jews find our faults so easily
We Jews never found or find the faults
In our enemies
We found the faults of our suffering
Within ourselves.
The first Temple was destroyed because
Of our idolatry
The second Temple because
Of our baseless hatred toward
One another
Every tragedy in our history could be ascribed to our “straying from the Master Of the of the Universe”
And when Jewish reality changed
When our dreams came true
When we began to reap with joy
When the ancient wheat regrew
In the hills of the Galilee
And the sands of the Negev
When the new Jew
United with the ancient land
When we rose to build;
To Protect and sow new seeds
In ancient soil
When soul and soil gave
New life
We were like dreamers,
Dance and song on our lips,
And In the rhythm of our bodies
As we clasped each other
And cried in joy and pride.
We were revived. We saw the finger
Of the lord pointing our direction
But we tend to forget
That we live the dream
Every moment of every day
We see the blemishes
And fail to see the beauty
Of our miracle
Made by man and by God.
We live the dream
Of all of Jewish history
All of our history has brought us
To this day.
We are living the greatest day ever
We are the Generation of The Dream
“Those who tearfully sowed, now reap in glad song. Those walked along weeping, have returned in exultation, bearers of His sheaves.”
May we recognize the dream and never wake.