
IsraelSeen Exclusive – Three Emergencies in Mere Minutes

Photo from accident 2 Avraham Levi_censored

IsraelSeen Exclusive – Three Emergencies in Mere Minutes

One May evening, someone called United Hatzalah’s emergency dispatch and command center and notified them that a man in Netanya had attempted suicide. Upon receiving the urgent alert from headquarters, Avraham Levi immediately sped to the address on his ambucycle. He was joined on location by additional medics, police officers and rescue teams. As they were treating the victim, Avraham and his colleagues received another alert from dispatch to another nearby emergency.


One of the emergency workers who arrived on his motorcycle to the suicide call had been struck by another vehicle right in front of the building. Seeing that the first patient was being cared for, Avraham hurried outside to the scene of the accident.


The force of the collision had sent the victim soaring nearly 25 feet before impacting with the pavement. Avraham discovered his fellow first responder in multisystem trauma, lying in a pool of blood. Additional United Hatzalah volunteers raced outside and joined Avraham in caring for the wounded volunteer. The team worked together in unison, providing initial immobilization before transferring the victim to an arriving ambulance for immediate evacuation.


The story however, doesn’t end there. Just as Avraham was preparing to head home, his radio buzzed yet again. A young man had apparently been speeding on Highway 2 when he hit a metal barrier and flipped his sports car over, completely destroying its front half and severely injuring himself. Avraham and his colleagues zoomed off to the 3rd incident, arriving on location within minutes.


The team of medics found the 35 year-old victim still trapped in his car, bleeding from multiple wounds. The EMTs worked to stem the heavy bleeding, applying trauma bandages as they took the patient’s vital signs. Avraham then assisted as the man was carefully extricated from his vehicle. The volunteers applied a neck brace, placed the victim on a backboard and prepared him for transport. 11 minutes later, the Mobile Intensive Care Unit arrived and rushed the man off to the emergency room.


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