Lee Diamond – The Jewish Enemy Within
They hide in their attics
They fear that they will be seen
They prefer to be Invisible
Jews need to be weak
Not strong
We’ve always managed to
Survive by hiding
And when they rape our wives
We ask the Rabbi if she is still
Kosher to us.
We need to fit in
Same appearance
Same language
Same culture
Same country clubs
And food and
Same days of rest.
We need to Integrate
And be faceless and faithless
Marry with the majority
Raise children like our neighbors
Educate like the rest.
But most of all never to be seen
As strong.
Never to protect ourselves
Be better than those who
Are self protective
Be more moral than our enemies.
Turn the Other cheek
Just don’t Rock the boat
Surrender to anti semitism
Keep the lid on the
Pandora’s box.
Pray for the enemy
And forget your own
And if they do cross the
Border, God forbid, and rape us
Blame yourself
For the enemy’s deaths
As some old timers
Used to say in Yiddish
“Es Iz schver zu Zein a Yid
It’s so hard to be a Jew”
No More!
Come down from your attics
Join the new Jew
Who fights for the rights he Adores
“And out of Zion shall
Come forth the word …”
The people of Israel Are
and a
Strong and proud nation.