Lee Diamond – Where will you be for Rosh HaShana?
I’ll be with all my family!
This year Moshele and family are with her family
Oy, I’ve got 19 guests this year
All of my in-laws are at my house this year
It’s our turn to host the entire family
My cousins are visiting from Capetown
They’re bringing their son in the army and his girlfriend.
What can I bring for the meal?
Nothing! Oh well maybe a honey cake.
I didn’t bake this year.
All the Challot are all round!
Honey galore!
Apples In abundance,
Brisket smells already rule the environment
Shana Tova everywhere
In the street
At the stores
At the end of every mobile phone call
Teens and kids and soldiers
All wishing Shana Tova
The shops will be closed for three full days
Two days of Rosh HaShana followed by Shabbat
Urgent shopping lest we be without milk or
Coffee or chrain
Gefite fish Topped with a slice of carrot
Sweet is Israeli style
Tzimis made with honey
And honey cake for a sweet year
It’s Rosh HaShana here
Shana Tova
Live in it !
Live it
Love it