Lee Diamond – “No more Wars-No more Bloodshed “
Begin declared this to Sadat
Sadat responded with bravery
To a call for the end of conflict
We gained
Egypt gained
And our peoples gained
There is no more war between Israel and
It’s greatest foe!
Maybe not love
But certainly not bloodshed
No more war
No more bloodshed
We know it’s possible
We did it
Begin did it
Sadat did it
They took the risks
They each gave up that which was precious
And indeed they paid for these risks
But the gain for their peoples
Was life changing.
No more war
No more bloodshed
Begin, a man of ideology
Knew that peace was the greatest
More important than a lifetime of ideology
And Sadat was no less brave
And he paid with his life
So too Rabin
Who saw the greater truth
And paid for it
And Hussein who
rose above the crowd
Who took the risk
And it is our peace that they created
And we have inherited
Their acts of bravery
Great people
Do great deeds
Great people take risks
Great people
Climb mountains
Of fear
And reach the precipice
Great people serve their people
And not their own petty politics
Great people
Know the fear of Climbing Moriah
But overcome fear
For their peoples future
Jacob became israel
When he overcame his fear
And climbed his ladder
And we are the children of Israel
And we want to climb
No more wars–No more bloodshed
BIbi :We are your nation
Bibi : we are B’nai YISRAEL
And we are the majority
And will rise to support you!
Bibi: Rise as Begin did
Rise as Rabin did
Rise as Sadat did
Rise as Hussein did
Rise as Peres did
Because your nation
Needs you now
Demands of you, to save
Our Israel
No more war
No more bloodshed