Lee Diamond

Lee Diamond – A Psalm in Praise of Israel



Sculpture by International Artist Phillip Ratner-Ratner Museum

Lee Diamond – A Psalm in Praise of Israel

מה טובו אהליך ישראל

משכנותיך ישראל

How goodly are your tents o Jacob

Your dwelling places Oh Israel


Jacob had to struggle with himself

He needed to climb the many rungs of the ladder

From his earliest and lowliest beginnings

He was just a “heel”

Trying to make his way into the world first

But unable to do so. As hard as he tried

Using all the wits and all the subtle tricks

To reach the finish line first

He remained behind–way behind —and as heel—and not head.


He faced disappointment, failure and pain

In his search for his inner self


And one day he had his chance

The chance for his life— for honest self struggle

Not reaching out to pull on the heel of his brother

But reaching forward and upward

Climbing the ladder between his humble self

to the heavens; hand over foot


As angels passed him by

As they ascended and descended

In their attempt to climb

Showing him that the only way

To climb is to fail and fall

In the upward ascent

That there is no standing still

Nor is there only ascent or descent

We reach our peak

Only by rising step by step from ourselves


It is this, Jacob, that made you ISRAEL

You kept climbing even when you were weighed down

Even when you fell and failed

It is precisely because  of the failure that  you are reaching

Your potential and becoming Israel.


You see, Israel is not the goal

Israel is the act

Of climbing

Of falling

Of rising

A bit more

Each step Each rung

Of the Sulam Yaakov

Of Jacobs ladder


The goal is to climb

The goal is starting the climb

To reach the peak

Yet accepting that every rung, no matter the effort

And delay

Brings us closer to being Israel.


Despite your failures

Despite the criticism from without

And from within


מה טובו

How Goodly are you

Oh Israel

Even the Angels

Praise you.

In song, by Psalm, by lute and by trumpet

For you,unlike them (who dwell in the heavens)

Reach from earth unto


מה טובו

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