Teddy Acquah



Israel Seen welcomes blogger Teddy Acquah from Ghana. Teddy asked that we enable him to share his views on Israel.



Disobeying God’s word concerning Israel and its land brings one into direct conflict with God and his prophetic word. Because God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham and to his seed (Genesis 17:7-8). How did we know that the seed of Abraham was referring to the Jewish people? After Abraham died, God made the same promise to Isaac, Jacob (Psalm 105: 9-10) So the seed of Abraham here refers to the Jewish nation.

Every nation in history that has lifted a hand against Israel has been cursed. And every nation that has blessed Israel has been blessed because they are the very apple of God’s eye (Zechariah 2:8)

Touching Israel is not a friendly touch but a violent touch. After God promising Abraham that he would make him and his offspring a great nation, the God of Israel pledged that he would bless those who bless you(Israel) and curse those who curses you (Genesis 12:3) of course Abraham descendants include the Arab people through Ishmael and Esau and there is every reason for Christians to bless the Arab people too. But we have seen that God’s eternal covenant and promised land was passed down to Isaac, Jacob and the twelve tribes of Israel.

The blessing promised by the God of Israel would come to those who particularly bless the Jewish people. Its so pathetic that many governments, international organizations, countries and even some Christians do not acknowledge that divine right of Genesis 12:3, Zechariah 2:8, Obadiah 1:15 and many more. But God will never leave the Jews alone as he said in Jeremiah 31:35-36. Refusal to support the Jews and the rights to return to their ancient homeland which God gave them, can cause us to miss the blessings of God.

By contesting the right of Jews to live in their covenant land, and going against God’s holy word we are opening ourselves up to be cursed. Both Old and New Testament make it obviously clear that Christians must support, stand and pray with Israeli people in every possible way. This does not mean that the Israeli people and their government are perfect. They are just like every human being who has fallen and desperately need help.

All the expressions of Divine love still hold true for Israel today, none of them had been cancelled as some presumed. Israel is and always will be the apple of God’s eye. Then again in Obadiah, the prophet was speaking about Israel and when you get to Obadiah 1:15 it says “As thou hast done unto (Israel), it shall be done unto thee.”  So If you stand against Israel, God will stand against you.

Evidence and proof of those who stood against or who blessed Israel and what God did to them.

America is the most blessed nation in the world because they took the Jews in when Russia and Europe drove them away. It was America that supported the creation of the Jewish Nation ISRAEL.

After the holocaust the Jews out of desperation wanted to return to Palestine to create their nation, but there were three world leaders at that time who were also determined to block the move and God took them away in the same month, same year to pave way for the creation of the nation Israel.

The then American president Franklin Roosevelt was in Saudi Arabia to negotiate the purchase of their oil (that America buys  and in return, it will protect the Saudis) The Saudi King told the American president that they had learned that the Jews were coming to Palestine to create a nation and that he doesn’t want it to happen so the American president should use his power to stop it.

Franklin Roosevelt made a promise to do the King’s wish. Franklin Roosevelt died on the 12th of April 1945 a few days after he returned home from Saudi Arabia.

Benito Mussolini, the Italian dictator and his bosom friend Adolf Hitler who orchestrated the holocaust died on the 28th of April 1945 and Adolf Hitler also died 30th of April 1945 same month, same year in fulfillment the prophecy of Zechariah 11:8. I believe this was not a coincidence . That was God responding to those who touch the “apple of his eye”.

After the six day war in 1967 when Egypt was defeated, some of the Eastern African countries drove away the Israeli ambassadors  in solidarity with their sister country Egypt. These countries have suffered drought, famine, economic hardship and war since 1967 and they are still suffering.

In October 30, 1991, George Bush Sr. gave a speech in Madrid that an official policy of America Is To divide God’s land that is Jerusalem and create a Palestinian state. Just as he was giving the speech a powerful storm called The “Perfect Storm” hit America and destroyed the presidents own house. Remember Joel 3:2, Similar Things Happened To Former President Clinton.

On January 16, 1994 President Clinton meet in Geneva with Syria’s dictator President Assad, the present president’s father. The two leaders met to discuss peace between Israel and Syria. President Clinton then said Syria was ready for peace agreement with Israel. This peace agreement included Israel giving up the Golan Heights to Syria. But the Golan Heights is also part of the covenant land God promised to Abraham and his seed the Jewish people. Clinton then said Israel must make concessions that will be politically unpopular with many Israelis.

The very next day that was January 17, 1994, a powerful 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked Los Angels area. This powerful earthquake caused estimated $25 billion in damage. Yes the quake was so powerful that it caused the Santa Susanna mountains to rise one foot and the Los Angels basin area to shrink.

President Clinton met with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the peace plan. In Israel, there was pressure on Netanyahu not to surrender land, pressure was on Netanyahu so much that politicians in Israel threatened a vote of no confidence in Netanyahu’s government if he gave away the land. Clinton received Netanyahu coldly. President Clinton and then Secretary of State Madeleine Albright refused to have lunch with him, because Netanyahu was still building in East Jerusalem. Shortly after the meeting, a sex scandal involving President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky became headline news. Clinton became totally absorbed in the scandal and was unable to devote time for Israel. He met with Arafat the next day, but at that time there was no effort to pressure Israel into surrendering land. That was God in action to prevent parting of his land.

On August 25/26 2005 George Bush Jr. pushed Prime Minister Ariel Sharon to evacuate Jews from Gaza and to give the covenant land to the Palestinians, hence hurricane Katrina on the same day. God  drove New Orleans citizens away from their homes and  Prime Minister Sharon goes into coma. The next day president Bush was publicly humiliated and took responsibility for not taking care of the victims of New Orleans.

On January 3, 2000, President Clinton met with Ehud Barak, the Israeli Prime Minister, and Farouk Al-Shara, the Foreign Minister of Syria to discuss peace between Israel and Syria. This peace plan called for Israel to give up the Golan Heights, an area critical to Israel’s defense. The next day the Israeli Prime Minister Barak agreed to give five percent of this territory to Syria.

The leaders were to complete the transfer by the end of the week. On December 31, 1999, the stock market had reached its all time high for this period. On January 4, 2000, the stock market plummeted. Both Dow and NASDAQ plunged. The combined losses for the day were six hundred billion dollars.

Before September 11 attack, on August 9, 2001, a suicide bomber in Jerusalem killed 19 people and wounded more than 100. Later that day President Bush made a speech condemning the terrorist attack. After condemning the attack, the president demanded that Israel abide by the Madrid Peace Process, the Mitchel Plan, and the United Nations Resolution 242 and 338. The United Nations resolution called for Israel to retreat back to the pre-Six-day-War borders. This would mean Israel giving up East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights and ending all settlements in the West Bank. The US president was ignoring God’s covenant with Israel and putting Israel in a dangerous position.

After August 9, 2001, speech, president Bush started a plan to recognize a Palestinian State. Prior to September 11, President Bush had agreed to acknowledge the Palestinian State at the United Nations General Assembly meeting scheduled on September 21. The plan was for Secretary of State Colin Power to notify  Saudi Arabia of America’s intention on September 13. Hence September 11, Attack. The attack derailed all these aims. The United Nations General Assembly meeting was canceled because of the attack and was scheduled for November 10, 2001. That day President Bush spoke mostly about terrorism and briefly about the Middle East.

On November 11, Yasser Arafat spoke to the United Nations Assembly about a Palestinian State and said Palestine was not responsible for all the fighting since September 2000. Later on that same day, Colin Power met with Arafat to discuss the creation of a Palestinian State. Just the next day an American Airline jet crashed when taking off from JFK Airport, killing 265 people. The crash took place about fifteen miles from the United Nations building.

Japan got angry with Israel for building in the East Jerusalem as the Palestinians had decided to use it as their capital. In support of the Palestinians, Japan decided to stand by and help the creation of the Palestinian State. Japan sent them about 3 million dollars.  The very next day Japan got a tsunami.

On the run off of the Egyptian elections, on their campaign grounds, the Muslim Brotherhood said Jerusalem was going to be their capital if they win the elections. They went on to say they will pray there or be martyred there. They even sang a song about  millions of martyrs marching towards Jerusalem. Now look at what has happened to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

The Bible says in Obadiah 1:15

For the day of the LORD is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done (To Israel), it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.

Israel told France it was ‘deeply disappointed’ by their vote at UN 01/02/15

France voted on Tuesday for a Palestinian resolution at the UN Security Council calling for a full IDF withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines by the end of 2017. France was leading the UN and the EU against Israel. We are all witnesses to what has happened to France.

Are the above coincidences? I don’t think so.  I have left out many other similar reactions. My point is that Israel is a special people chosen by God and given a land so don’t try to mess with them.

Teddy Acquah

Bio: local man from Ghana,  born on 4th December 1960. I used to work with as a buyer with the single gold mine in the world that was  then  Ashanti Goldfields Co and now Anglogold Ashanti. I am married with five kids.


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