Steve's Blog:It's Personal

Steve Ornstein – What the hell is going on here

Steve Ornstein - What the hell is going on here

Headlines such as “Israel’s leaders ‘furious’ over Barak tapes describing aborted plans to hit Iran” and other headlines from former heads of our security organizations.

Steve Ornstein – What the hell is going on here

Headlines such as “Israel’s leaders ‘furious’ over Barak tapes describing aborted plans to hit Iran” and other headlines from former heads of our security organizations. All of them without exception criticizing the present government’s policy in public for no other reason than to use their prestige to create havoc and dissension at a time when we need unity of purpose.

I am no fan of our present PM who for some inexplicable reason enters into the internal affairs of the U.S. political arena for the same reason as his critics. EGO.

There must be a serious flaw in the raising of our children into leaders of our country if all they are really interested in is making a fortune and demonstrating how important they are by exposing “secret” information to the public.

I have been silent until now and have not indulged my personal concerns about where we are heading after an Iran deal is in place.

Where are our leaders? From the left and the right they do nothing but bicker and bitch at each other with no interest in finding solutions. From Meretz and their “holier than thou attitude” to Labor and a leader that barely wants to be there in the first place let alone lead.

We have the “ultra-orthodox” and their corruption who exploit the country of its resources without giving a thing back in return. All in the name of a Torah that they have hijacked from the rest of the other religious organizations while using the Rabbinute to keep everyone else in check. Nice going haters of the truth and outliers that have perverted the essence of our Torah with lies, pedophilia and corruption.

We have the Arab list that supposedly represents the Arab and Communist interests in our country. Yea right! If anyone in the Arab community so dares to speak in opposition to the so-called interests of this corrupt leadership then lookout for their personal safety. We have already witnessed this for far too long. Then to my shock and awe I find one of the biggest critics of Israel on the Arab list MK Tibi eating in one of the trendiest restaurants with his buddies in Tel Aviv away from the Galil to enjoy the fruits of his racism and anti-Israel rhetoric. Don’t choke on the schnitzel!

But we also find our friends on the right of center hating each other and attempting to out do each other in their loyalty to the country while creating policies that serve no one but their own narrow interests.

The likud and their right wing so-called interests saturated with EGO wandering listlessly amongst the more extreme elements that want to topple and discredit this country by instigating a civil war.


I will refrain from talking about the budding center since they are still new at this game, Yesh Yatid, actually tried to improve the economic and social order so that all or at least most of our country will benefit. As a result they get attacked by both the left and right. I still have hope for them!

Steve Ornstein – What the hell is going on here

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