
Jewish Unity Day – One Nation One Heart

Jewish Unity Day - One Nation One Heart

Jewish Unity Day, initiated by the parents of the murdered teens Eyal, Gilad and Naftali, aims to become an annual celebration of Jews around the world, seeking to overcome internal divisions. We are honored to share content and programs that you can explore with your community, family, and friends for your Jewish Unity Day celebration.

 Jewish Unity Day – One Nation One Heart



June 3, 2015 – one year since the kidnappings of Eyal, Gilad and Naftali – three boys that changed a nation.

In the spirit of the unity aroused by the kidnapping and murder of our boys, we ask that this day shall serve as the first-ever Unity Day, where Jewish communities all over the globe are asked to take a moment and consider the value of unity and how to work even harder to bridge the obvious divides that exist within our society and among our people.

In that spirit, it is our eternal joint prayer that they be remembered not simply as victims of a brutal tragedy but also as three “normal” boys who succeeded in bringing a nation together. May the memories of Eyal, Gil-ad and Naftali inspire us all to really live as one people with one heart.

Iris and Ori Ifrach, Rachelli and Avi Fraenkel, and Bat-Galim and Ofer Shaer


By Dr. Elana Heideman

A year has passed since Eyal, Gilad and Naftali came into our lives. Within moments of the kidnapping, word spread like wildfire, igniting among the Jewish world a unity we had not felt in many years.


Community burial of Eyal Gilad and Naftali, Z”L

Indeed, one year later, the compassion has faded, the headlines have turned ugly, Israel has endured yet another war forced upon us, and memory is all that remains of an event that captivated the heart and soul of the nation of Israel and brought us together, reminding us that, in spite of distance and differing opinions, WE ARE ONE.

That spirit made slogans and cliches tangible. It made us acknowledge good and brought out the best in us: the ability to give thanks, love for soldiers and for the state, togetherness and what bring us together and concern for each other and a shared fate. That spirit shoved evil and cynicism and disagreements and divisiveness aside. The wind in our sails steered our ship on a straight course, in unity and strong faith. Now we have all the reasons in the world to keep praying. Together — observant and secular, Left and Right, in different languages — but with a single heart, like we did then. Now we must remember that we are, first and last, one people whose enemy doesn’t distinguish between those of us who hold different opinions. Nadav Shragai


Rabbinic leaders, Jewish activists, high school students, families, and Israeli soldiers all gathered together, raised their voices in unison to advocate on behalf of fellow Jews…simply because they are fellow Jews. What are the lessons that we can take with us as we reach one year milestone? Is it possible to translate those few moments of unity into a movement that surpasses all obvious constraints and helps us repair the damage done by political, religious, and cultural obstacles?

Within the last year we have seen the emergence of a more splintered Jewish world than many could have ever imagined. Simultaneously we are witnessing an outpouring of support for Israel, a rise in criticism of Israel – some legitimate, most not – and a rise in extremist hate and Antisemitism masked as anti-Zionism. We are seeing Jewish groups call for the destruction of Israel, Jewish students on campuses everywhere living in fear, and Jewish families and individuals confused because they simply do not know what to believe anymore. It is much easier to just turn it off and block it out. With this as our reality, it would seem we have learned nothing.

Yet somewhere deep inside that moment remains with us. And now, as we reach the 1 year Yahrtzeit of these boys, our boys, innocent Jewish boys killed only for being Jews, it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to recall the connection, the unified spirit that encompassed our lives for those 18 days.


What nation exists that feels this range of emotion and deep care for each other across continents and languages? This caring and love is unique and should be cherished. This is what it means to be Jewish. This is Israel. We are a nation in spite of our differences; we are a nation by virtue of our history, our ancestry, our faith, our land, our pride. We are one family, one heart, one nation.

Through the memory of that time, perhaps we can revive anew our united spirit and decide to make one change in ourselves, in our understanding, in our behavior and to seek out our own personal path to making a difference in some small way.

Jewish heroism is not expressed solely by physical strength, but by a strength of spirit, which has been the cornerstone making up the very foundation of the Jewish people throughout the generations. We must seek to remain on the path the people of Israel have followed throughout the ages. … We are not two separate peoples — a Jewish nation in Israel and one in the Diaspora — but one entity, which be whole only if the sum of its parts work together.   Dvir Kahana 

Just as we stood proudly with Israel over the period of the conflict, we must continue to reach out and express solidarity with each other, with our Jewish state, with our Jewish destiny.

Now is the time for us to, once again, stand proud in the face of those who seek to destroy us and proclaim aloud Am Yisrael Chai.
Now is the time for strength.
Now is the time for unity.

Jewish Unity Day – One Nation One Heart

Together we will win, together we will stay
יחד ננצח, יחד נשאר

In the days of a storm, we will know to overcome
בימים של סערה, נדע להתגבר

And the hope that is in our hearts will go with us always
והתקווה שבלב תמיד תלך איתנו יחד

Only together we will win, together we will stay
רק יחד ננצח, יחד נשאר

In these days the silence speaks of a song
בימים בהם השקט מדבר שירה
And in these days of loud fire, we have no choice
ובימים של אש רועמת, אין לנו ברירה
Because we have a destiny together and a small land
כי לנו יש גורל אחד וארץ קטנה
And she is alone against the world
והיא לבד מול העולם
And needs only free love, and for us to remain here
וצריך רק אהבת חינם, להשאיר אותנו כאן

Together we will win, together we will stay
יחד ננצח, יחד נשאר
In these stormy days, we will know to overcome
בימים של סערה, נדע להתגבר
And the hope that is in our hearts will go with us always together
והתקווה שבלב תמיד תלך איתנו יחד
Only together we will will, together we will stay
רק יחד ננצח, ביחד נשאר

When it appears that all is fine, and we go back to separating
כשנדמה שכבר בסדר, חוזרים להיפרד
We don’t learn any lessons and we add to our sins
לא לומדים אף פעם לקח ומכים על חטא

To our very little land, a thousand cycles
לארץ הקטנה שלנו, אלף מחזרים
And everyone wants her
והם רוצים אותה כולם
There is promise from the Creator of the World
אך יש הבטחה מבורא עולם,
To leave us here
להשאיר אותנו כאן

In these stormy days, we will know to overcome
בימים של סערה, נדע להתגבר
And the hope that is in our hearts will go with us always together
והתקווה שבלב תמיד תלך איתנו יחד
Only together we will will, together we will stay
רק יחד ננצח, ביחד נשאר

Am Yisrael Chai!
עם ישראל חי…

In these stormy days, we will know to overcome
בימים של סערה, נדע להתגבר
And the hope that is in our hearts will go with us always together
והתקווה שבלב תמיד תלך איתנו יחד
Only together we will will, together we will stay
רק יחד ננצח, ביחד נשאר


Jewish Unity Day – One Nation One Heart






Jewish Unity Day – One Nation One Heart



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