Good News from Israel

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel – Oct. 19, 2014


This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel

Dr. Peretz’s personal story is a microcosm of Israel’s—and Hadassah’s
The first female head of an Israeli hospital  This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel



Thanks once again to our friend and colleague :  Michael Ordman-Good News from Israel

the highlights include:

  • An Israeli-discovered link between diabetes and brain disease may lead to treatments for both.
  • The new head of an Israeli hospital is from Israel’s minority Druze community.
  • An Israeli startup is developing a 3D desktop printer that can print electronic circuits.
  • Israel has abolished customs duty on imports of clean technology products.
  • Three Israeli TV shows were big sellers at the Cannes international MIPCOM show.
  • Israel hosted the largest vegan festival in the world.
  • The birth rate in the Jewish State is the highest in the developed world.


This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel


Link between diabetes and brain disease. (Thanks to Israel21c) In another brain disease discovery, Ben Gurion University researchers have found similar adverse protein interactions in Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Type 2 diabetes. Treatments to prevent these interactions could prevent all three diseases.

The first medical inhaler for cannabis. Israeli biotech Syqe Medical has developed the world’s first metered-dose device for inhaling medical cannabis – vital for many patients suffering from MS or pain that does not respond to conventional treatments. The device can be produced on a 3D printer and controlled by iPhone.]

This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel

Eye surgery in Kyrgyzstan. (Thanks to Hazel) Israeli eye doctors performed 55 operations and examined over 250 patients at the Eye Microsurgery Department of Osh Interregional Hospital in Kyrgyzstan. (Note – the original website article has been deleted)

It’s breast cancer awareness month. I missed reporting previously this report on Israel’s Channel 2 of the Octava cancer test from Israel’s Eventus. So this month it’s a good opportunity to include it.



New head of Israeli hospital is Druze. Dr. Salmaan Zarka is the first doctor from the Druze community to be appointed as head of an Israeli hospital. Zarka will be heading up Ziv Medical Center in Tzfat (Safed). Ziv is frequently in the Israeli news because of the injured Syrian civilians that it treats.

The first female head of an Israeli hospital. Professor Tamar Peretz began her career as a medical student at Hadassah Medical Center. She advanced to head of oncology and is now the hospital’s director general. Her personal story is a microcosm of Jewish endeavor.

Lee saves six people. 19-year-old Lee Hasin died last week from a brain tumor. Six people received his organs, including a 5-year-old boy with liver failure and an 18-year-old girl.

Syrians who trust Israelis with their lives. Senior doctors at Ziv Medical Center in Tsfat (Sefad) and the Medical Center of the Galilee in Nahariya talk on Tel Aviv Radio TLV1 about the wounded Syrians who seek out urgent medical treatment from “the enemy” (Israel).

US army veterans find healing in Israel. (Thanks to Israel21c) Based in New Jersey, the nonprofit Heroes to Heroes brings to Israel “teams” of American war veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The vets enjoyed being shown respect by Israelis, who understood what it meant to serve their country.

A friend in Portugal. A pro-Israel news site in Portuguese has been promoting VerygoodnewsIsrael. It has also attracted many new readers in Brazil.


3D electronics printing. Israel’s Nano Dimension is developing a desktop-sized 3D printer that prints electrical circuit boards. It uses silver nano-particle processes developed by Hebrew University Professor Shlomo Magdassi to produce insulating and conductive inks for the circuits. Maybe one day you will be able to print your own computer or mobile phone.


The plastic center of attention. The International Polymer Processing Society (PPS) is holding its annual conference in Israel for the first time in its 30-year history. Top experts will discuss 3D printing, nano-technology, biodegradable polymers, super-hygrophobicity, medical polymers, smart materials and much more.

The Israel Conference in LA. The Israel Conference Oct 30-31 in Los Angeles features 75 stellar speakers from Israel-facing hi-tech companies. The diverse cross-section of innovation and design from Israel provides the attendees with a front-row seat to the technologies and products of tomorrow.

Converting kitchen waste to cooking gas. Israeli HomeBioGas units are transforming trash into bio-gas for Bedouin residents of Umm Batin near Beersheva. Israel’s environment ministry subsidized the 8,000-shekels cost per unit. Now 50 units are headed to the Dominic Republic as part of a test project.


No customs duty for cleantech products. Israel has joined a group of 41 countries that have agreed to drop all customs duties on goods that contribute to a cleaner environment. The global deal will also make Israel’s vast range of clean technology products cheaper abroad and thus help Israeli exports.

The first haredi incubator. “Yazam BaLev” (“an entrepreneur at heart”) is the first full-fledged accelerator that will provide support to haredi (very religious) Jewish hi-tech start-ups. The 4-month Jerusalem College of Technology program includes mentoring and training in how to present to potential investors.

Am Yisrael Buy. A new app Am Yisrael Buy helps users find products that were specifically made in Israel to buy. The name is obviously a play on the Hebrew phrase “Am Yisrael Chai” which translates as “long live the Nation of Israel.” The app is available for both Android and iOS smartphones and devices.

Israeli TV shows are big sellers. (Thanks to Israel21c) Turkey, Italy, Germany, France, Sweden and Spain have all signed deals for new original Israeli game shows and reality formats. At the MIPCOM TV market in Cannes, international TV producers bought “The People’s Choice”, “Help! I can’t cook!” and “300 Sec. Ride”

All good news here. Thanks to ex-Ambassador Yoram Ettinger for this report of recent Israeli global business successes.

Israeli gas is a game changer. By end 2015, Israel may have binding agreements to sell billions of dollars of natural gas to Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. Even Turkey is interested. Israeli Energy Minister Silvan Shalom said Israel’s gas “allows us to enjoy both political and economic fruits”.


Israeli dance troupe wins Cyprus folklore festival. Hadera’s 26-member “Colors of Dance” troupe won first prize at the Ninth Mediterranean Folklore Festival in Larnaca, Cyprus. 12 countries competed in the five-day festival, including Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Egypt and Georgia.

The world’s largest vegan festival. Israel hosted on Monday what organizers say is the largest vegan festival in the world. Ramat Gan’s Vegan Fest 2014 featured workshops, lectures, panels, concerts, some 15,000 visitors and (of course) meat and dairy-free food. Israel also has the largest proportion of vegans in the world.

The balloons go up and down. (Thanks to Israel21c) This year’s International Hot Air Balloon Festival began near Mount Gilboa in the Galilee and finished at Park Eshkol in the Negev, watched by over 10,000 spectators. 16 balloons traversed the country, including from the US, Austria, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands.

The best bar in the Middle East. (Thanks to Hazel and Israel21c) Drinks International magazine listed Tel Aviv’s Imperial Craft Cocktail Bar as the best bar in Africa and the Middle East. Outside of Israel, however, the choice must have been somewhat limited!

10 dolphins visit Israeli coast. Tourists to the Jewish State during the festival of Tabernacles included a school of 10 dolphins that entertained the survey team from the Israel Marine Mammal Research & Assistance Center.

Two wins out of two. Israel made it six points out of six in soccer’s Euro 2016 qualifying Group B, with Omer Damari netting a hat trick in a 4-1 victory in Andorra. Previously, Israel had an encouraging 2-1 win in Cyprus.


From Chief to Chief. In 1953 Yigael Yadin – the first Chief of Staff of the new Jewish State – discovered letters written by Simon Bar Kochba – the last commander of Judea. The letters, now on display in the Israel Museum, were addressed to commanders of the Jewish army – perhaps including Yadin, some 1820 years later.


Leader of Jewish legion returns to Zion. Lt. Col. John Henry Patterson led the British Army’s Jewish Legion to battle against the Turks in WW1. He was widely recognized as a “true righteous among the gentiles”. To commemorate the 147th anniversary of his birth, Lt. Col. Patterson’s ashes will be re-interred in Israel.

Another rescue via Entebbe. The Ugandan Jewish community of Abayudaya had no Arba Minim (4 species) with which to celebrate the festival of Sukkot. So Melanie Lidman traversed facebook, Tel Aviv, Istanbul, Entebbe airport and Kampala to bring a set donated by total strangers to the eagerly awaiting Jews.

President Rivlin’s “green” sukka. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin used the theme “Sukkot in the Environment” when he invited the public to join him in his Jerusalem sukka. Visitors enjoyed activities and displays promoting recycling and reuse, green space, bio-gas from waste and sustainable construction.

Israel has the highest birth rate in the developed world. At the Jewish New Year 2014, Israel’s population has risen to 8,252,500. Israel’s birth rate of 3 children per woman is the highest in the developed world. (The international average is 1.7) 42% of the world’s 14.2 million Jews now reside in Israel.

Returning lost property. Yarden Ben-Ezra was driving behind a Brink’s security truck in the Israeli city of Kiryat Ata when a sack containing 400,000 shekels fell out of the truck. Ben-Ezra retrieved the bag and chased the truck until it finally stopped. The guards, who hadn’t noticed the loss, thanked Ben-Ezra and drove off.

“They will all come to Jerusalem”. Zechariah’s prophecy is coming to fruition. Thousands of Christian supporters of Israel packed Jerusalem’s streets and the new Pais Arena to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.


This Weeks Sanity Report from Israel

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