Good News from Israel

This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel – Week of June 22, 2014

 This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel

Israeli Researchers Create ‘Trojan Horse’ Of Chemotherapy the highlights include: An Israeli scientist is able to destroy cancer cells that are resistant to chemotherapy. The United Nations voted to select Israel to lead one of its major group committees. Starbucks, Coffee Bean and McDonalds are installing Israeli wireless Powermats. A delegation of 50 Israeli executives has been developing trade links throughout Africa. Lady Gaga is scheduled to perform in Tel Aviv on Sept 13th. Tel Aviv broke the Guinness World Record for the largest Shabbat dinner.



This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel

Thanks to Michael Ordman-verygoodnewsfromisrael



China fast-tracks Israeli epilepsy treatment. Israel’s D-Pharm has obtained fast track status from the China’s Food and Drug Administration (CFDA) for its epilepsy treatment, DP-VPA. D-Pharm is jointly developing the treatment in China with its local partner, Jiangsu NHWA. DP-VPA has completed a first Phase II clinical trial.


Israeli doctors save babies’ lives in Africa – with simple techniques. At the Toronto summit, “Saving Every Woman, Every Child Within Arm’s Reach,” Israel’s Dr. “Miki” Karplus described how Israeli doctors in Ghana get round the lack of expensive incubators. Also having only the mother handle the baby reduces infections.


Israeli is one of the first to get a “connected” pacemaker. Israel, France and Germany are the first countries to adopt the new German Biotronik Etrinsa HF-T pacemaker, which sends text messages to doctors about the status of the patient. Surgeons implanted the device into an Israeli patient at Ashkelon’s Barzilai hospital.


Parkinson’s treatment passes safety trial. Israeli biotech Intec has announced that its Accordion Levodopa treatment for Parkinson’s disease has met all its safety trial endpoints. Phase 3 trials on Parkinson’s sufferers can now commence.


The “Trojan horse” of chemotherapy. (Thanks to Dr Yehuda Assaraf of Israel’s Technion has developed the “Pharmacological Trojan horse” strategy to evade cancer cells’ resistance to chemotherapy. Cancer’s “Achilles heel” is light, which destroys the cell membrane allowing anti-cancer enzymes to enter.


Israeli doctors help Ethiopians smile. Two Israeli physicians from Haifa’s Rambam Medical center, Dr. Omri Emodi and Dr. Zach Sharony, were part of a 40-person Operation Smile delegation to Ethiopia. From dawn to dusk they performed 91 operations in 5 days to repair cleft lips and pallets and also trained local staff.






Everyone has an equal opportunity in Israel. Long but important and definitive article, containing everything you need to know about the myth of ethnic inequality in Israel.


Government adopts plan to advance women. Israel is implementing a five-year plan to promote women into the senior ranks of the public service and to shrink the gap between their pay and that of their male colleagues. One part of the plan is to allow public sector workers with children to work overtime from home.


Israel is too good. Adina, wife of PA president Mahmoud Abbas recently had leg surgery at Tel Aviv’s private Assuta hospital. In May, the mother-in-law of Hamas leader Ismail Haniya was treated for cancer in Israel. In Nov, Haniya’s granddaughter was treated in Israel for an infection in her digestive tract.


Moroccan Berbers seek stronger ties with Israel. Berber minority rights activist Omar Louzi heads the Moroccan Observatory for the Fight against Anti-Semitism. Louzi is planning to organize trips to Israel for Moroccans to “meet the Moroccan Jews and visit their holy places, especially in Jerusalem.


Arabs and Iranians love Israeli books. Israeli, Arab, Iranian and international publishers have translated books by Israeli writers into Arabic and Persian – and have discovered a popular market. Akram Ahmadi, one of the executives of the Islam publishing house in Pakistan even gave a TV interview in support of the activity.,7340,L-4529764,00.html


US students graduate from Israeli medical school. Graduates from the 2014 TeAMS (Technion American Medical School) in Haifa achieved exceptional results and have subsequently been assigned residencies at top US medical centers and University hospitals.


Israel appointed Vice-chair of UN refugee committee. Israel’s Mordehai Amihai won the appointment to represent the Western European and Other Groups on the 4th (Decolonization) Committee. In a secret vote of 193 member states, 68 abstained leaving Israel with 74 votes to win by a margin of 39 votes.





Detecting contaminated high-voltage cables. (Thanks to Atid-EDI) Israel’s Metrycom provides a system – Metrysense – that monitors vital high-voltage grid lines for accumulation of dust and pollution that cause power supply failures. Electric companies incur huge cleaning costs and Metrysense identifies problem lines.


“Making” the next generation of the Start-up Nation. Joanna Shebson interviews Dotan Tamir, co-founder of Israel’s Big Idea Summer Camp. The camp teaches 12-15 year-olds new technologies, including programming, graphic design, film production, mobile app design, computer game development and more.


UConn and Technion to swap energy students. Thanks to the Satell Family Foundation, the University of Connecticut will develop an exchange program with Israel’s Technion. Graduates will visit each other’s campuses to develop joint research, such as into fuel cells, solar power and large-scale batteries.


New student village in Negev desert. Ben Gurion University’s new American Associates Village at Sede Boqer has been dedicated. The eco-friendly complex houses 150 extra international students. Previously, the International School for Desert Studies had to reject hundreds of candidates due to the housing shortage.


Teva receives cleantech presentations. Thanks to the Ministry of Economy’s Israel NewTech, ten Israeli clean technology companies presented to Israel’s Teva on how the biotech giant could save energy and water by implementing Israeli cleantech products and services. The initiative can open more markets to such companies.


7th-graders make water-filtering breakthrough using tires. A group of 13-year-old students from the Harel School in Lod has made a unique breakthrough in water-filtering technology by using ground pieces of rubber made from scrap car and truck tires. It can be used as a water-filtering solution for developing countries.


A remote-controlled paper plane. (Thanks to Nevet Israeli Shai Goitein designed the PowerUp 3.0 – a tiny battery-powered propeller and rudder. Fold a paper plane, attach the propeller and you control the plane with your smartphone. Shai asked for $50,000 on kickstarter. He actually raised $1.2 million.



Recharge your batteries with a coffee, tea or burger. Starbucks is installing Israeli-developed Powermats in USA coffee shops, for customers to charge compatible devices wirelessly. Rival chain Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf is running a Powermat pilot in Los Angeles and McDonald’s are experimenting with them in Manhattan.

(Thanks to Nevet – for the following videos.)

This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel

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This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel

Launch of students’ “rescue” micro-satellite. A tiny 840 grams satellite designed by a group of Israeli high school students at the Herzliya Science Center was successfully launched in Russia. Duchifat 1 is intended to orbit Earth every 90 mins for 20 years, assisting in locating lost travelers in areas with no cellphone reception.





Strauss foods expand in Australia. Strauss, Israel’s biggest food and beverage company, is set to expand its emerging dips and spreads business in Australia to capitalize on growing demand for its products.


Swiss army decides which Israeli drones it wants. Israel’s Elbit Systems will supply its Hermes 900 HFE Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) to the Swiss Armed Forces. Elbit beat Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to the contract. IAI offered its Super Heron UAVs. The Swiss are replacing their aging ADS 95 Ranger UAVs.


Hishtil seeds company celebrates 40 years – but not in the wilderness. 1500 people marked the 40th anniversary of Israel’s Hishtil, a world leader in seedling grafting technology. Hishtil produces over 80 million seedlings a year in this manner and has plant nurseries in Israel, Turkey, Italy, South Africa, France, and Spain.


Two new Technology incubators. Israel’s Chief Scientist has awarded two new technology franchises. The Philips-Teva incubator “Inspire Healthcare Innovations Ltd.” will invest in treatments and medical devices. The Strauss incubator, “Food-Tech Hub LP”, will focus on investments in all food-related technologies.


Abramovich invests $10 million in StoreDot. (Thanks to Israel21c) Roman Abramovich – owner of UK soccer club Chelsea – has invested $10 million in StoreDot, an Israeli startup that in April revealed a charger and battery set that charges a Samsung mobile phone in 30 seconds. It is Abramovich’s 2nd Israeli project.


Takudu forms water alliance with Aqualia. Spain’s water giant Aqualia has partnered with Israel’s Takudu to deploy TaKaDu’s system for detecting inefficiencies in water distribution systems. FCC Aqualia works in 17 countries including China, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic, Algeria, Egypt, UAE and Saudi Arabia.


Over 50 Israeli executives visit Africa to foster business links. At least 50 Israeli executives are touring Africa in order to grow the Jewish state’s business presence. In Ghana, they followed up on agreements signed in 2011 and existing projects in agriculture, fisheries and other areas.


Ohio buys $47.8 million in Israel bonds. (Thanks to Atid-EDI) On June 2, The US State of Ohio purchased $47.8 million in Israel bonds, the largest single government purchase of Israel bonds ever in the United States. It surpassed the record established in March 2013, when Ohio made an Israel bonds purchase of $42 million.





But is it Art? Visitors to the Israel Art Museum in Jerusalem during June will notice a huge construction made of bamboo. The Big Bambu art installation is a traveling art exhibit from New York, made from thousands of bamboo poles. It has taken six months to construct and the public is invited to climb on it and inside it.


Israelis & Chinese celebrate Tel Aviv Dragon Boat festival. Some 200 people competed in races on the Yarkon River in Tel Aviv to celebrate the Duanwu Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. A crowd of around 1000 Israelis and Chinese, plus the Chinese Ambassador cheered on the 20 colorful boats, each with a crew of 12.


Lady Gaga September concert. Lady Gaga is bringing her “artRAVE: The ARTPOP Ball” to Tel Aviv’s Park Hayarkon on September 13. She previously performed in Israel in 2009.


Let Her Go – Passenger busks in Tel Aviv. The folk-rock music sensation Michael David Rosenberg, better known as “Passenger”, performed in Tel Aviv’s Barby Club. His smash hit “Let Her Go,” topped 16 international charts and wowed Israelis at an impromptu street concert later on Nahalat Binyamin (see video).



Jerusalem’s beach returns. For those that believe Jerusalem to be too far inland, an artificial beach has again been built at the First (Railway) Station. This year there is an 18-meter surfing simulator. Children’s events include kite building, wading pools, musical performances, theatrical shows and crafting.


The best video from the Jerusalem lights festival. The last night of this year’s festival was far too popular to appreciate it properly on foot, but luckily I found this beautiful video from The Real Jerusalem Streets.



Israeli team wins medieval jousting semi-finals. An Israeli team took first and third place in a medieval knight-fighting tournament in the Austrian town of Hainburg. Israel competed against Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Argentina and Austria and now heads to the World Medieval Fighting Championship in Croatia.





Tel Aviv Shabbat dinner sets new Guinness World Record. Tel Aviv hosted the largest ever Shabbat dinner when 2,226 participants (over double the previous record) gathered in a hangar at the city’s port to participate in the Friday night meal. The event was co-organized by Chabad and White City Shabbat.


Sending a Torah scroll to the Moon? Tel Aviv-based “Torah on the Moon” wants to deposit Torah scrolls on the moon, in case something should happen to the Earth. The space capsule being designed must protect the sacred text from the moon’s harsh radiation and extreme temperature changes for at least 10,000 years.


South Carolina license plates support Israel. Thanks to new legislation passed by South Carolina’s House of Representatives, special car license plates have the message: “South Carolina Stands With Israel.” The graphic on the plate shows flags of both Israel and South Carolina. Chabad of Charleston will front the cost.


Israel Longhorn Project – Standing Up for Israel’s Farmers. Whereas Israel’s dairy cattle are the best in the world, its European beef cattle do not thrive in Israel’s environment. Robin Rosenblatt aims to re-invigorate Israel’s beef cattle industry by building a self-sustainable Israeli herd of 300 pure breed Texas Longhorns.

This Weeks SANITY Report from Israel

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