Alma Beit Midrash Series

The Rav Kook Revolution Part I

IMG_0729   Session One: The Song of the Self – Self-actualization and God  By Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein This series is dedicated to my former co-host and dear friend  Yoram Getzler z’l who has sorely been missed. yoram ben yaakov ve’bella miriam. 




Jew and Arab singing Rabbi Kook’s teachings


“Hebrew Culture in English”
Alma is proud to open its doors to people of all backgrounds who wish to feel at home in the Hebrew Culture, and to all non-Ivrit speakers wishing to gain a significant taste of the Alma experience. Our courses in the English language explore a variety of cultural themes, and invite you to engage with the texts, ideas and dilemmas affecting Israeli and Jewish identity – both historically and currently.
We are excited to continue our “Hebrew Culture in English” series of short courses with:

The Rav Kook Revolution
Lecturer: Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein
Five weekly sessions, opening Sunday, June 30th, 19:00-21:00
Rabbi Avraham Itzchak HaCohen Kook, TZ’L (1865-1935) is considered by many to be the foremost sage of the contemporary era. As the first Chief Rabbi of the reborn Israel, his story is closely intertwined with the renaissance of Jewish history and spirituality. In a survey carried out in honor of Israel’s 60th Anniversary he was voted the person most influential on the shaping of the modern State of Israel.
His revolutionary teachings are a treasure trove for anyone seeking spiritual insight and inspiration. In this 5 week course, Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein will guide a textually based journey (translations provided along with original text) into the depths and breadths of the Torah HaGoelet-Liberating Torah of Rav Kook. Through reflection and discussion, we will explore the significance of these teachings for our personal and interpersonal lives.

Session One: The Song of the Self – Self-actualization and God
Session Two: The Song of our People – The community of Israel
Session Three: The Song of Humankind – The universal imperative
Session Four: The Song of Existence – Linking with all creation
Session Five: The Song of Songs – Shalom and shleimut-peace and wholeness.

Rabbi Itzchak Marmorstein (Even Shays) is doing pioneering work in bringing the universal and enlightened teachings of Rabbi Avraham Itzchak HaCohen Kook TZ’L and contemporary Kabbalah to the world through music, learning, and meditation.

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