This Friday marks the fourth anniversary of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit’s kidnapping and incarceration by Hamas in Gaza. Israel has, during this period, allowed tonnes of humanitarian aid to enter Gaza and has now relaxed restrictions on the transfer of goods. Shalit has not even been allowed a visit by the Red Cross.
Gilad Shalit’s welfare is a central part of the story surrounding Israel’s policies towards the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip. Yet, in the media frenzy following the recent flotilla incident and the subsequent international pressure on Israel to reassess its Gaza policies, the fate of Shalit has, to a large extent, been overlooked by the mainstream media.
Imagine if Hamas had the integrity, decency and compassion to set an innocent man free. Gilad Shalit has been kidnapped since June 25th, 206
Can you imagine a Gaza Strip without Hamas? A man is free to vote for the party of his choice. A women is free to dress how she wants. A child is free to be a child? Imagine if the Gaza Strip was free from Hamas
Imagine if the Hamas Charter, instead of preaching the destruction of Israel, stood for dignity, respect and tolerance.