
Detailed Analysis of Obama’s Visit to Israel

Image: Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu   The following are a variety of commentaries thanks to Israel Resource Review.





[David Bedein comment: A consequence of a Nato incursion into Syria is that Iran would intervene on behalf of the Assad regime, leading to a possible Iranian war with the West. Has NATO considered that eventuality?] A leading U.S. military commander said NATO was drafting and reviewing military contingencies against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad. U.S. European Command chief Adm. James Stavridis said Washington would join any NATO intervention in Syria. “The alliance has…

Analysis: US president’s upcoming visit meant to incorporate Israel into Washington’s new global strategy
By: Ron Ben-Yishai

US President Barack Obama has two good reasons to visit Israel and the Palestinian Authority at this time. He recently formulated a new global strategy, and he is very interested in incorporating Israel into it and making the Jewish state an active partner in achieving its goals. The second reason is that Obama and the senior members of the Democratic Party want to the correct the mistake the president made during his first term, when he visited Muslim countries in the Middle East but…

By: Pinhas Inbari

President Obama is expected to make his first official presidential visit to Israel this week. It is widely assumed that the main issue the President will discuss with the Israeli government will be nuclear Iran. However, it is not known to what extent the Palestinian issue will be discussed, if at all. While the president is keeping the cards close to his chest, it is worth examining the past four years of the Obama administration in order to gage his perspective on the issue.Four years…


Last month, Secretary of State John Kerry visited European and Middle Eastern capitals for what he labeled “a listening tour.” Now it’s President Obama’s turn to play “listener-in-chief” in a visit to Israel. In an interview Wednesday with Israel’s Channel 2, the president said he’s coming to “listen to both sides” of the Arab-Israeli conflict. In plain language, this means that, on his first visit to Israel as president, Obama…

By: Barry Rubin

On the issues about which the world is obsessed, Israel’s new government is basically a continuation of the old one. That is the key point to keep in mind regarding the new coalition which has a comfortable 68-seat majority, well over the 61 minimum parliamentarians required. Basically, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in a strong position as these things go. It is notable that there is not a single other person seriously considered to be a serious candidate for prime minister….

Why is Obama going to Israel? The Muslim-Brotherhood-advocate-in-the-White-House refused to speak to the Knesset. So what is he doing there? He is going on the offensive against Israel, and he is doing it from the Jewish homeland. Expect the notorious leftist Israel press to applaud Obama’s land confiscation policy. Obama is going to Israel with $500 million cash in hand for the Muslims in the terror statelet of Gaza. Brilliant. Obama’s Middle East Map Erases Israeli Territory Free…

By: Barry Rubin

When President Barack Obama arrived in Israel, March 20, for his visit he said it was “no accident” that he went there as his second term’s’ first overseas trip. Question: Who was the first foreign leader Obama called when his first term began? Answer: Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas. So is this juxtaposition also “no accident.” I have written that this trip symbolizes Obama giving up the idea of pressuring Israel on the “peace process” issue and…

By: Adam Kredo

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas bestowed official honors on the mother of three terrorists days ahead of President Barack Obama’s much-anticipated visit to the region Wednesday. Abbas bequeathed the “medal of sacrifice” on Sunday to Mariam Farhat, a recently deceased Hamas lawmaker who encouraged three of her children to die while committing terrorist acts, according to Arab media reports. Farhat was dubbed a “martyr of the nation and of duty”…

By: Kerry Bowden

Photojournalist Noam Bedein, 30, has experienced hundreds of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip into his homeland of Israel over his lifetime, he said. For the past seven years, he has lived two miles from the Gaza-Israel border in the city of Sderot. During his last presentation of his most recent speaking tour, Bedein said more than 15,000 rockets have been fired into Israel in the past 13 years. According to the Official Blog of the Israel Defense Forces, the number of rockets fired into…

GENEVA, Mar. 18, 2013 – Nobel Peace Laureate David Trimble, member of the British House of Lords, took the floor this morning at the UN Human Rights Council-in a debate with its commission of inquiry into Israeli settlements-to deliver the following statement on behalf of the Geneva human rights group UN Watch, which also organized a UN press conference where Lord Trimble addressed the international media. _________ UN Watch statement delivered by The Right Honourable Lord David…

The bad news is clear. Israel’s right to exist is questioned by many and its ancient and present capital, Jerusalem, is unrecognized by all but a few states. Israeli leaders are sometimes compared to leaders of Nazi Germany, and Israeli actions against the Palestinians described as Nazi-like policies. Moreover, Israel is accused of engaging in South African apartheid policies toward the Palestinians and its Arab minority. Opponents and critics portray the Jewish state as the…

Obama did take the time to meet with Muslim supporters of terror before his trip, but has no time for their American victims.
By: Daniel Greenfield

A section of the federal anti-terrorism law allows the U.S. to investigate, extradite (where there is a relevant treaty) and prosecute those who are believed to have murdered or maimed Americans in acts of terrorism committed outside of the United States. This law was passed in 1985, following the brutal point-blank shooting death of Jewish American Leon Klinghoffer by Arab Palestinian terrorists who boarded the Achille Lauro off the coast of Egypt. So, this should be an easy case. But…

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