

In recognition of the reawakening of the issue surrounding the Israeli ambiguity regarding any military nuclear capacity it officially, might or might not possess. Plus the recent Obama Nuclear Conference, and rising concerns regarding the Iranian nuclear intentions; we thought it appropriate to re-post two blogs that previously appeared on IsraelSeen, by our co-host Yoram Getzler. In part due to the apparent permanence of the conditions prevailing in both the Israeli and Iranian nuclear reality which prompted their first appearance several years ago.

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you all, a two part exploration of the viability of nuclear weapons in our region of the world.

Several years ago the Jewish people and the State of Israel were the subjects of the ultimate blood libel. We were accused of engaging in the definitive corruption of science by using genetic engineering to develop diseases that would infect only Arabs, allowing genetically identifiable Jews to escape the deadly consequences of the engineered microbes we were accused of developing for release.

Now it seems that Iranian scientists might have actually achieved something similar though even more scientifically challenging. I arrive at this conclusion from the threats of their leaders, who seem to believe that they can safely attack Israel with nuclear weapons, killing all of the Jews living here. It seems obvious to me that the million Arabs, Muslims and Christians living within our boarders, might also be affected negatively. So it must be that the Iranians have developed a nuclear weapon that would somehow, miraculously or scientifically allow the Arabs among whom we live to survive. Not only would the Palestinian Muslims, who Rafsanjani & Ahmadinejad are so committed to helping, survive an Atomic bomb attack, but also this very holy land that Ahmadinejad and the Muslim world claims as sacred and needs to be saved from the infidels Jews would apparently survive unblemished while maintaining its pure Islamic holiness.

How else to explain the thinking behind the consistent promises, declarations and threats of the Iranian leadership to use their impending nuclear capability to wipe Israel off the map?

It seems that now it would be appropriate to remember the explanation the former president of the republic, Mr. Rafsanjani, made on Dec 14 2001 when he was chairman of the regime’s Expediency Council. In a lecture at Tehran University he said that …if the Muslim world had an atomic bomb, it would be in good shape after a nuclear exchange with Israel, because a nuclear bomb would destroy the Jewish state, while Muslim countries (with their much larger populations) would survive! In other words he is saying; We (Iranians) are a rational people, do not think that the idea of destroying Israel and its Jews is a project we have not thought deeply about; we are not going to act in haste and without full understanding of the consequences. See, he is saying, We even took into consideration the possibility that Israel would manage to retaliate with its own nuclear weapons. Everything has been carefully measured and taken into consideration!

Only if Iranian scientists have succeeded in developing radiation with the ability recognize and affect only Jews would an atomic attack on Israel not affect our Arab neighbors, as well as the million Arabs, Muslims and Christians living in Israel itself.
Perhaps the Iranians and their Hamas compatriots are counting on the separation barrier Israel is building to protect the inhabitants of the Palestinian Authority from the radiation. Surely the Iranian mullahs have
also harnessed the winds and will cause them to cease blowing from West to East, thus saving Syrians, Jordanians and Iraqis and from South to North saving the Egyptians Libyans and Sudanese from the devastating effects of the contamination that previously knew no national boundaries.
If we consider that the Iranians might not have perfected this systematic ability of radiation to distinguish the particular racial and national characteristics of Jews,. I wonder why the Hamas leader who visited Iranian President Ahmadinejad after the Hamas victory was smiling so broadly? Is there something he knows that his electorate is ignorant of? Will he and his family be given prior warning of the launching of the Iranian bomb and will a waiting plane take them to safely far away, to Iran? Or have they been supplied with an especially genetic designed Muslim only radiation antidote.
Perhaps I should not be surprised that the Shai’a Muslim Iranians are willing to sacrifice the Sunni Arabs Muslims of Palestine in the mother of all suicide bombings in order to save the honor of Islam.

And the Palestinians? Could there be a more worthy cause to martyr themselves, their families and neighbors for, than the final destruction of the ever threatening Jewish sons of pigs & dogs? But then again, perhaps the Iranian scientific efforts will succeed, and only the cursed Jews will be affected by the radiation, and only we will be affected for the following thousands of years by the polluted water and air.

It is one thing for the Palestinians to have stood on their roofs and to cheer while viewing Iraqi missiles falling on Tel Aviv. It is another issue if the missiles are carrying nuclear war heads. In that case I would advise them to view the event on cable or satellite TV, and to celebrate from within deeply buried, well stocked and sturdy bomb shelters. No doubt the Iranians will arrive sooner or later to rescue them.

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