
Iran – When and What Went Wrong

                           By Yoram Getzler. IRAN: WHAT WHEN WENT WRONG with the critical need to prevent Iran from achieving the militarization of Atomic energy?


The first and primary blunder was not understanding years ago when Iran first began its program with the knowledge of the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEC) the probable dangerous outcome. But it was then, that threats of the big stick may have worked. Before Iran had invested to much of its national resources; economic, social and political in this ultimate venture. Now, faced with intense sanctions and diplomatic pressure there is an advanced capability that has been achieved at great effort and against the odds. It would make no rational sense for them to now abandon all those years of investment with a successful conclusion within sight. A few more months of suffering for the cause is not too much to ask from the population who in any event has no choice. Just a few more months of hardship and sacrifice and we (Iran) will have the means too intimidate and rule over our enemies. Over all who would deny us our glorious destiny.

While there is little that can be done or changed about these past years of inaction. I would like to comment about the current state of the conversation on the subject.

Recently we have heard or read of several Israeli commentators who have in essence given PM Netanyahu a kind of back handed complement “At least Netanyahu was successful in arousing the international community to the danger of a nuclear armed Iran.”. It is here that I would like to take exception. Netanyahu’s use of the metaphors “It it 1938” and the scare name “Auschwitz”, have in fact not worked well enough. These are two concepts that no longer carry very much charge among the vast majority of those very people who Netanyahu thinks he is awakening to the ultimate danger with the use of these ultimate historical memories. With a few exceptions, it is the Jewish people who continue to carry these concepts into the modern world. For most people Rwanda and Bosnia has replaced Auschwitz as the ultimate human horror. And as for 1938, that was the year by which Hitler had gained enough strength to truly and successfully challenge the “Allies” and undertake his conquest of the world. A very poor year to look to for inspiration to action.

1933 would have been a far better year to challenge Hitler. He did not yet possess the military strength or the complete control of German society that was to make his bid for world domination to frighteningly effective.

Also there is a problem with the metaphorical name “Auschwitz”, I think it would have been more accurate and politically effective to use some other names, names not so closely and specifically associated with the Jewish people, names that were no less meaningful in the historical record. I would have begun with the Rape of Nanking, then there was the memorable Pearl Harbor, a little later the Dunkirk would elicit memories, along with that of Stalingrad. These I believe are the truly appropriate and stimulating metaphorical historical terms that might have awakened the world to the inevitable results of ignoring the dangers and intentions of individuals and nations who so obviously threaten the common good.


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