
40 Years Ago IDF Operation Thunderbolt – Entebbe


One of the  aircraft crews that landed at Entebbe poses with their plane after the mission. 1976 Operation-Entebbe.

40 Years Ago IDF Operation Thunderbolt – Entebbe

Operation Entebbe (military code name Operation Thunderbolt) was a counter-terrorist hostage-rescue mission carried out by commandos of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) at Entebbe Airport in Uganda on 4 July 1976 to free more than 100 Israeli and Jewish passengers, along with the non-Jewish pilot Captain Bacos, who remained as hostages and were threatened with death. All copyrights belong to original owners, Globus Group. h/t Jacob Richman


Operation Entebbe as Told by the Commandos: Planning the Mission


Ynet: Part one thru five HERE

40 years after one the most famous commando operations in history, Sayeret Matkal’s soldiers recount the events that culminated in the release of 106 hostages from an airport terminal in Uganda: The plan that fell through, late-night calls, and how such a large-scale operation was put together in only 48 hours. Part 1 of 5.


“Mission Impossible,” was the Daily Mail’s headline the day after the Entebbe Operation. “No country in the world would dare try such an operation, as it truly was a mission impossible,” the British paper wrote. “But Israel dared—and won.”


Sayeret Matkal was tasked with releasing the hostages. The force that would storm the terminal, led by Sayeret Matkal Commander Lt. Col. Yonatan “Yoni” Netanyahu, included 33 commandos: a fireteam led by Muki Betzer and another led by Amnon Peled, which stormed the area where the hostages were kept; a team led by Yiftach Reicher-Atir, which handled the customs area and the Ugandan soldiers’ quarters on the second floor; a team led by Giora Zussman, which stormed the “small hall” that was used by the terrorists and where it was feared some of the hostages were kept; a team led by Danny Arditi, which handled the terminal’s VIP area; and a team led by Rami Sherman, which was responsible for vehicles and cover fire.



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