According to the Jerusalem Post reporter Jonny Paul, the 60th anniversary film festival of the British Council in Israel will be headed by Judy Price a fierce critic of Israel. It appears that the British Council in Israel has the chutzpa to use Ms. Price as their token self-hating Jew to provide their smug and self-righteous hatred of Jews and Israel. This might sound harsh and over the top but I don’t really care. I am tired of the double standard by British Government Agencies that provide forums for their attempt to delegitimize the State of Israel. In this case it is in the form of a “film festival” that will show historical footage of the British Mandate’s role in the so-called “tragedy” that many in the local Arab population feel about the creation of the State of Israel.
But then again, what about all our wonderful ideas, creations, cures, medical, legal and business ventures that have provided hope and relief to the benefit of the entire global population . What about the experiment in Democracy that shapes this wonderful country, in its short modern history, by providing a public forum, ruthless in its commentary, on the short-comings and failures of the government in power. We are an opinionated group of people that can be a bit loud at times voicing our feelings on just about anything. Thank G-d we do. We still possess the energy to fix what is broken and shed light on what needs to be brought to the forefront such as: corruption, forced-prostitution, poverty, education, moral responsibility, and lousy, crazy drivers.
We have enough self-loathing Jews/Israelis in our higher educational facilities and in the media. The editor of the newspaper Haaretz comes to mind when it is reported that he told US secretary Rice that his erotic fantasy is to watch America rape Israel. This is the editor of the left wing major daily newspaper in our country. So between this editor, Judy Price, and the British Council we see the tip of the Israel bashing iceberg that uses media as a way of trashing the Jewish State and its legitimate right to exist.
It is one thing to be critical of Israeli policy and another to try to undermine our right to be. Enough already! Get lost and leave us to what we do best: follow our moral precepts and provide a light unto the nations by being ourselves. What more can anyone hope to achieve. We want to live in peace. But we are not willing to share our space with neighbors that want their piece and ours too.